Page:The English housekeeper, 6th.djvu/85

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commonly thought more of than the other. The breast-bone is divided from the back by simply cutting through the ribs on each side of the fowl. The neck-bones are at g g; but for these see Fig. 16, and the directions for carving the back.

Back of a Fowl.Fig. 16.

Back of a Fowl
Back of a Fowl

Rest your knife firmly on the centre of the back, at the same time turning either end up with your fork, and this part will easily break in two at a b. The side-bones are at c d; and to remove these, some people put the point of the knife in at midway the line, just opposite to c d; others at the rump end of the bones e f. The neck-bones (at g h) are the most difficult part of the task. These must be taken off before the breast is divided from the back; they adhere very closely, and require the knife to be held firmly on the body of the fowl, while the fork is employed to twist them off.

Duck.Fig. 17.

Breast of Duck
Breast of Duck
Back of Duck
Back of Duck

Duck.—This should be trussed as in Fig. 17. The leg is