Page:The New Testament of Iesvs Christ faithfvlly translated into English, ovt of the authentical Latin, diligently conferred with the Greek, & other Editions in diuers languages.pdf/109

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The Ghospel

Mt. 9, 1.
Lu. 5, 18.
AND againe he entred into Capharnaum after some dayes, and it was heard that he was in the house, 2and many came togeather, so that there was no place; no not at the doore, and he spake to them the Word. 3And they came to him bringing one sick of the palsey, who was caried of foure. 4And when they could not offer him unto him for the multitude, they ″ uncovered the roofe where he was: and opening it they did let downe the couche wherin the sicke of the palsey lay. 5And when Jesus had seene [1] their faith, he saith to the ″ sick of the palsey: Sonne, ″ thy sinnes are forgiven thee. 6And there were certaine of the Scribes sitting there and thinking in their harts: 7Why doth he speake so? he blasphemeth. Job. 14, 4.
Esa. 43, 25.
* Who can forgive sinnes but only God? 8Which by and by Jesus knowing in his Spirit, that they so thought within them selves, saith to them: Why thinke you these things in your harts? 9Whether is easier, to say to the sicke of the palsey: Thy sinnes are forgiven thee; or to say: Arise, take up thy couch, and walke? 10But that you may know that ″ the Sonne of man hath power ″ in earth to forgive sinnes (he saith to the sick of the palsey) 11I say to thee, arise, take up thy couch, and goe into thy house. 12And forthwith he arose; and taking up his couch, went his way in the sight of al, so that al marveled, and glorified God, saying: That we never saw the like.

13And he went forth againe to the sea; and al the multitude came to him, and he taught them. 14And when he passed by, Mt. 9, 9.
Lu. 5, 27.
* he saw Levi of Alphæus sitting at the custome place; and he saith to him: Folow me. And rising up he folowed him. 15And it came to passe, as he sate at meate in his house, many Publicans and sinners did sit downe togeather with Jesus and his Disciples. For they were many, who also folowed him. 16And the Scribes & the Pharisees seeing that he did eate with Publicans and Sinners, said to his Disciples: why doth your Maister eate and drinke with Publicans and sinners? 17Jesus hearing this, saith to them: The whole have not neede of a Physicion, but they that are il at ease. For I came not to call the just, but sinners.

18And Mt. 9, 13.
Lu. 5, 33.
* the Disciples of John and the Pharisees did use to fast: and they come, and say to him: Why doe the disciples of John and of the Pharisees fast; but thy Disciples do not fast? 19And Jesus said to them: Why, can the children of the mariage fast, as long as the bridegrome is with them? So long time as they have the bridegrome with them, they can not fast. 20But the dayes wil come when the bridegrome shal be taken away from them; and then they shal [2] fast in those dayes. 21No body soweth a peece of raw cloth to an old garment: otherwise he taketh away the new peecing from the old, and there is made a greater rent. 22And no body putteth new wine into old bottels: otherwise the wine bursteth the bottels, and the wine wil be shed, and the bottels wil be lost. But new wine must be put into new bottels.

23And Mt. 12, 1.
Lu. 6, 1.
* it came to passe againe when he walked through the corne on the Sabboths, and his Disciples began to goe forward and to pluck the eares. 24And the Pharisees said to him: Behold, why do they on the

  1. Our Lord is moved to be merciful to sinners by other mens faith and desires, and not only by the parties owne meanes alway.
  2. He foretelleth that fasting shal be used in his Church, no lesse then in the old law, or in the time of John the Baptist. See Mat. c. 9, 15.