Page:The Works of the Rev. Jonathan Swift, Volume 19.djvu/292

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in history, 253. Definition of the word in its universal acceptation, 254. The various operations of religious enthusiasm, ibid.

Enthusiasm, Letter on. By whom written, ii. 11.
Epaminondas. One of the six greatest men in the world, vi. 227. An instance in which he appeared great, xvi. 331.
Ephori. Wherein their office consisted at Sparta, ii. 295. And in England, iii. 195.
Epick poem. A receipt to make one, xvii. 54.
Epicurus. Opinions ascribed to him not his own, v. 4. Had no notion of justice, but as it was profitable, x. 143. Misled his followers into the greatest vices, ibid. His sect began to spread at Rome in the empire of Augustus, and in England in Charles II's reign, x. 243. The greatest of all freethinkers, 193.
Erasmus. His life almost a continual journey, xi. 193. A maxim of his cited, xii. 345. His Moriæ Encomium, xviii. 145.
Errour (writ of). Not grantable in a criminal case without direction from the king, xii. 47.
Essex (Robert Devreux, earl of). His remarkable speech to Blunt and Cuffe on the scaffold, xviii. 158.
Etymology. vi. 185. Swift's banter of it, xvi. 280.
