Page:The Works of the Rev. Jonathan Swift, Volume 19.djvu/319

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Lawyer. See Rooke.
Lawyers. Bred up in the art of proving white black, and black white, as they are paid, vi. 293. Avoid entering into the merits of a cause, but dwell upon the circumstances of it, 294. Their character, exclusive of their profession, 295. Seem least of all others to understand the nature of government in general, ii. 378. A specimen of their reports, xvii. 93. Why not always well acquainted with the old English constitution, xvi. 203. Their sense of the statute of Henry VIII, relating to the leases of hospitals, &c., xi. 441.
Learning. What among the people of Brobdingnag, vi. 153. the effects of it on a brain unfit to receive it, xvii. 317. Men who have much, are generally the worst ready speakers, v. 235.
Leases. A law wished for, to prevent bishops letting them for lives, iv. 394. Custom of letting long leases of church lands, practised by some of the popish bishops at the time of the reformation, held many years after, v. 270. Remarks on the custom of letting them for lives upon many estates in England, 275. What the worth of a bishop's lease for the full term, ix. 261.
Lechmere (Nich. lord). Some account of him, xvii. 412.
Le Clerc (Mons.) His letter to Mr. Addison, on his being appointed secretary to the earl of Wharton, xi. 60. xiii. 456.
Legion club. Satirically described, viii. 208.
Leicester. An hospital founded there by Henry, duke of Lancaster, v. 274. A specimen of the sagacity of the justices at a quarter sessions there, ix. 73. The dean's character of that town, xi. 3. 4.
Lent. Why hated by Dr. Swift, xv. 276.
Lepidus. In what he made a mean figure, xvi. 332.
Lesley (Mr). Strictures on him, ii. 363. Accused by Dr. Burnet of impudence, for proposing a union between the English and Gallican church, iv. 411. Characters of his two sons, viii. 60.


Feb. 11. To Mr. John Kendall, xi. 1.
14. To the Athenian Society, xviii. 241.
Nov. 29. To Mr. William Swift, xi. 5.
June 3. To Mr. Deane Swift, 6.
  1. In this List, wherever no name is mentioned as the writer or receiver of a letter, Dr. Swift is universally to be understood: the letters of uncertain date (a very few only excepted) are placed in their regular situation. N.
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