Page:The Zoologist, 4th series, vol 2 (1898).djvu/12

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Coburn, F.
Brood of young Starlings in mid-November, 24; Brent Goose in Warwickshire, 24; Ferruginous Duck in Ireland, 25; Corncrake in December, 25; Stoats turning white in winter, 213; Meadow Pipits perching on trees, 214
Cockerell, T.D.A.
The insect visitors of flowers in New Mexico, 78, 311
Collett, R., Prof.
On the reported summer appearance of two species of birds in Lapland, 25
Comber, Alfred T.
Hawfinch near Reigate Railway Station, 188
Corbin, G.B.
Brambling in Hants, 123; Roughlegged Buzzard near Ringwood, 124; Nesting of the Hobby in Hants, 125; Stoats turning white in winter, 261; Otters in South-western Hampshire, 262; Crossbills in South-western Hampshire in 1898, 482
Cordeaux, John, F.R.G.S., M.B.O.U.
Food of the Barn Owl, 215; Disappearance of the Lapwing in North Lincolnshire, 272; Migration at the Spurn Lighthouse in 1897–98, 345; Occurrence of the Fork-tailed Petrel on the Yorkshire coast, 362
Corrie, Adam J.
Adder swallowing its young, 485
Crawshay, William T.
Rooks feeding on Elvers, 270
Crossman, Alan Fairfax
Scaup in Bedfordshire, 319; Alleged Kentish Plover in Bedfordshire, 320; Birds of Hertfordshire, 506
Davenport, H.S.
Popular ornithological fallacies, 27; Cuckoos sucking eggs, 87; Breeding sites of Chaffinch and Willow Warbler, 214; The protection of wild birds and their eggs, 322; Spotless eggs of the Spotted Flycatcher, 359; The so-called St. Kilda Wren, 413; A Cuckoo's economy in question, 430; Dr. Saxby and the breeding of the Turnstone, 435; Irregular nesting sites, 480
Davies, Basil
Varying fecundity in birds, 495
Distant, W.L.
Notes on the Nestor notabilis, or Kea Parrot, of New Zealand, 217; Zoological rambles in the Transvaal, 249; Cicada attacked by Mantis, 275; Southerly extension of the East African butterfly fauna, 276; Toad attacked by a Frog, 323; Biological suggestions—assimilative colouration, 377, 451; "The Leathery Turtle" (Dermochelys coriacea), 500; Involuntary migration, 508
Dresser, H.E., F.L.S., F.Z.S.
Rare Partridges in Leadenhall Market, 215
Duncan, A.
Mode of progression among Millipedes, 365
D'Urban, W.S.M.
Date of arrival of House Martin, 433
Elliott, J. Steele
On the nesting of the Spotted Flycatcher, 358
Ewart, J.C, Prof., F.R.S.
On Zebra-Horse hybrids, 49
Farman, Last C.
Winter notes from Haddiscoe, 26
Fowler, W. Warde
Tree Pipit in January, 122; Rooks and buttercup bulbs, 124; On the date of arrival of the House Martin, 267; The Marsh Warbler in Oxfordshire, 356
Freston, Henry W.
Asagena phalerata at Grasmere, 440; Epeira diadema courtship, 440
Friend, Rev. Hilderic
Notes on British Annelids, 119
Godfrey, F.R.
Some notes on the Nestor notabilis, or Kea Parrot, of New Zealand, 216
Goldsmith, H.S.B.
Early nesting of the House Sparrow, 123
Grabham, Oxley, M.A., M.B.O.U.
Rough nesting notes from Yorkshire, 349; Large Bank Vole in Kent, 477; Economy of the Cuckoo, 478; Late nesting of the Corn Bunting, 485; Food of the Redwing, 504; Phasianus colchicus in Yorkshire, 505