Page:The fables of Aesop, as first printed by William Caxton in 1484, with those of Avian, Alfonso and Poggio. Vol 2.djvu/137

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¶ The xv fable is of the man and of the lyon /

MEn ought not to byleue the paynture / but the trouthe and the dede / As men may ſee by this preſent Fable / Of a man & of a lyon whiche had ſtryf to gyder & were in grete diſcenſion for to wete and knowe / whiche of them bothe was more ſtronger /  ¶ The man ſayd that he was ſtronger than the lyon / And for to haue his ſayenge veryfyed / he ſhewed to the lyon a pyctour / where as a man had vyctory ouer a lyon / As the pyctour of Sampſon the ſtronge  ¶ Thenne ſayd the lyon to the man / yf the lyon coude make pyctour good and trewe / hit had be herin paynted / how the lyon had had vyctorye of the man / but now I ſhalle ſhewe to the very and trewe wytneſſe therof / The lyon thenne ledde the man to a grete pytte / And there they fought to gyder / But the lyon caſte the man into the pytte / and ſubmytted hym in to his ſubiection and ſayd / Thow man / now knoweſt thow alle the trouthe / whiche of vs bothe is ſtronger /  ¶ And therfore at the werke is knowen the beſt and moſt ſubtyle werker /