Page:The fables of Aesop, as first printed by William Caxton in 1484, with those of Avian, Alfonso and Poggio. Vol 2.djvu/168

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ſhalle rendre yow in as good helthe / as euer ye were / ¶ And whanne he had ſayd theſe wordes / he departed fro the lyon and toke his leue / but neuer he had ſuppoſed / that the foxe had herd hym / but he had / For he was within a terryer nyghe to the lodgys of the lyon / where he herd alle the propoſycion of the wulf / to the whiche he dyd put remedye and grete prouyſyon / For as ſoone as the wulf was departed fro the lyon / the foxe wente in to the feldes / And in a hyghe way he fond a grete donghyll / within the whiche he put hym ſelf / ¶ And as he ſuppofed after his aduys to be defowled and dagged ynough / came thus arayed in to the pytte of the lyon / the whiche he ſalewed as he oughte to haue done to his lord / ſayenge to hym in this manere / Syre kynge god yeue good helthe / And the lyon anſuerd to hym God ſalewe the ſwete frend / come nyghe me and kyſſe me / & after I ſhalle telle to the ſomme ſecrete / whiche I wylle not that euery man knowe / to whome the foxe ſayd in this maner Ha a ſyre kynge be not diſpleaſyd / for I am to fowle arayed and al to dagged / by cauſe of the grete way / whiche I haue gone / ſekynge al aboute ſomme good medycyne for you / wherfore it behoueth not me / for to be ſo nyghe your perſone   For the ſtenche of the donge myght