Page:The fables of Aesop, as first printed by William Caxton in 1484, with those of Avian, Alfonso and Poggio. Vol 2.djvu/22

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and fowled my water / whiche I ſold now drynke / Allas my lord ſauf your grece / For the water cometh fro yow toward me / Thenne ſayd the wulf to the lambe / Haſt thou no ſhame ne drede to curſe me / And the lambe ſayd My lord with your leue / And the wulf ſayd ageyne / Hit is not ſyxe monethes paſſyd that thy fader dyd to me as moche / And the lambe anſuerd yet was I not at that tyme born / And the wulf ſaid ageyne to hym / Thou haſt ete my fader / And the lambe anſuerd / I have no teeeth[errata 1] / Thenne ſaid the wulf / thou arte wel lyke thy fader / and for his ſyne and myſdede thow ſhalt deye / The wulf thenne toke the lambe and ete hym / This fable ſheweth that the euylle man retcheth not by what maner he may robbe and deſtroye the good and Innocent man.

  1. Correction: teeeth should be amended to teeth: detail