Page:The fables of Aesop, as first printed by William Caxton in 1484, with those of Avian, Alfonso and Poggio. Vol 2.djvu/28

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¶ The seuenth fable is of the theef and of the ſonne.

NO man is chaunged by nature but of an euyll man maye wel yſſue and come a wers than hymſelf / wherof Eſope telleth ſuche a fable / A theef held the feeſt of his weddynge / And his neyghbours came there as the feſt was holden and worſhipped / and bare honour to the theef / And as a wyſe man ſawe that the neyghbours of this theef were ioyeful and glad / he ſayd to them / Ye make joye & gladnes of that / wherof ye ſholde wepe / take hede thenne to my wordes and vnderſtond your ioye /¶ The ſonne wolde ones be maryed / But alle the Nacions of the world were ageynſt hym / & prayd Iupiter that he ſhold kepe the ſonne fro weddyng / & Jupiter demaunded of them the cauſe why they wolde not haue hym to be wedded / the one of them ſaid/ Iupiter thou knoweſt wel / how ther is but one ſonne & yet he brenneth vs al / & yf he be maryed & haue ony children / they ſhal deſtroye al kynde / And this fable techeth vs that we ought not to be reioyſſhed of euyll felowſhip /