Page:The fables of Aesop, as first printed by William Caxton in 1484, with those of Avian, Alfonso and Poggio. Vol 2.djvu/329

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Alſo he ſaith that then was a phiſycyen dwellyng in a Cyte / whiche was a grete & a connyng man in that ſcyence / & he had a ſeruaūt a yong man whiche made pylles after a certayne forme that he ſhewed to hym / & whan this yong man / had dwellid long with hym / & coude parfȝly[errata 1] make the pylles / he departed fro his mayſter / and went in to ſtraūge countre where as he was knowen / and lete men there to vnderſtonde that he was a connynge phiſycyen / and coude gyue medycynes for al maner maladyes and ſekeneſſes / and myniſtyred alwey his pylles to euery man that came to hym for ony remedy / And hit was ſoo that a poure man of that place where he was came to hym / and complayned how he had loſte his aſſe / and prayd hym to gyue to hym a medycyne for to fynde his aſſe ageyne / And he gaf to hym the ſayd pylles / & badde hym to receyue and take them / And he ſhold fynde his aſſe / And this poure man dyd ſoo / and after wente in to the feldes and paſtures to ſeke and loke after his aſſe / And ſoo doynge the pylleys wrongth[errata 2] ſoo in his bely / that he muſt nedes go purge hym / and went


  1. Correction: parfȝly should be amended to parfiȝtly: detail
  2. Correction: wrongth should be amended to wrought: detail