Page:The fables of Aesop, as first printed by William Caxton in 1484, with those of Avian, Alfonso and Poggio. Vol 2.djvu/97

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hange hym in ſtede of thy theef /  ¶ Thenne beganne ſhe to delue / and tooke out of the erthe her huſbond / and at nyȝt ſhe hanged hym at the galhows in ſtede of the other / and ſayd to the knyght / My ryght dere frend I pray the that this be kept well ſecrete / For we doo hit theefly / and thus the dede men haue ſomme / whiche make ſorowe for them / but that ſorowe is ſone gone and paſſyd / And they whiche ben on lyue haue ſome whiche drede them / but theyr drede wantith and faylleth whan they ben dede