Page:The grand tour in the eighteenth century by Mead, William Edward.djvu/472

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98. 6. Ibid., ii, 67.
99. 1. Starke, Letters from Italy, ii, 209.
2. Nugent, Grand Tour, ii, 68.
3. Ibid., ii, 80.
100. 1. The Rhine, i, 140, 141.
2. Tour through Germany (1792), p. 276.
3. Ibid., p. 268.
4. Letters from Italy, ii, 210.
5. A Description of Holland, p. 207.
101. 1. Grand Tour, i, 222.
2. Travels in France, p. 109.
3. Nugent, Grand Tour, i, 90.
4. A Description of Holland, p. 200.
5. Cf. Nugent, Grand Tour, i, 50.
6. Smith, Tour on the Continent, i, 46.
102. 1. Nugent, Grand Tour, i, 49, 50.
2. A Description of Holland, p. 210.
104. 1. Letters concerning the Present State of England, p. 240.
2. Lecky, History of England in the Eighteenth Century, vii, 230–31.
105. 1. Letters, ii, 30.
2. Such, at least, was the opinion of foreigners. See Moore, View of Society and Manners in France, etc., p. 372.
3. The Gentleman's Guide (1770), p. 1, introduces the book with the remark: "A fondness for travel being the characteristic of the English, more than of any other nation," etc.
4. Traill, Social England, v, 345.
5. "It is much to be regretted," says Andrews, "that the majority of our travellers run over to France from no other motives than those which lead them to Bath, Tunbridge, or Scarborough. Amusement and dissipation are their principal, and often their only, views." Letters to a Young Gentleman, p. 2.
106. 1. Ibid., p. 13.
2. As illustrating the slowness of travel we may note that when George III was taken ill in 1788 a messenger was dispatched by the Duke of Portland to summon Charles James Fox, who was then at Bologna. "He at once set out on his return, and, after nine days' incessant travelling, arrived in London on November 24." Lecky, History of England in the Eighteenth Century, v, 381.
107. 1. Diary, i, 228.
2. Andrews, Letters to a Young Gentleman, pp. 574–75.
3. Remarks on Several Parts of Europe, ii, Preface, pp. v, vi.
4. Cogan, The Rhine, ii, 46.
108. 1. (Jones) Journey to France (1776), ii, 117.
2. Lettres sur l'Italie, p. 87.
3. Les Voyageurs en France, p. 3.
4. Moore, View of Society and Manners in Italy, ii, 106, 107.