Page:Transactions NZ Institute Volume 7.djvu/12

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XIX. The Claims of Science in National Education. By Josiah Martin 168–175
XX. On Early Instruction. By J. Adams, B.A. 175–180
XXI. On Forest Culture. By J. C. Firth 181–195
XXII. On the Ornithology of New Zealand. By Walter L. Buller, D.Sc., F.L.S., F.G.S., F.R.G.S. 197–211
XXIII. Notes on certain disputed Species of New Zealand Birds. By Walter L. Buller, D.Sc, C.M.Z.S. 211–212
XXIV. On the Existence of two Species of Hieracidea in New Zealand. By Walter L. Buller 213–214
XXV. Notes on an alleged new Species of Tern (Sterna alba, Potts). By Walter L. Buller 214–215
XXVI. Description of a new Species of Petrel (Procellaria affinis). By Walter L. Buller 215–216
XXVII. On the Occurrence of Plotus novæ-hollandiæ in New Zealand. By Walter L. Buller 217–218
XXVIII. Notice of a new Species of Parrakeet in New Zealand. By Walter L. Buller 219–220
XXIX. On the Genus Himantopus in New Zealand. By Walter L. Buller 220–224
XXX. On some Additions to the Collection of Birds in the Colonial Museum. By Walter L. Buller 224–225
XXXI. Preliminary Remarks on some New Zealand Birds. By Otto Finsch, Ph.D., of Bremen, Hon. Mem. N.Z.I., C.M.Z.S., Hon. Mem. Brit. Orn. Union, etc. 226–236
XXXII. On the Occurrence of Lamna cornubica, Porbeagle Shark, Flem., the Mako of the Maoris, in New Zealand. By Julius Haast, Ph.D., F.R.S., Director of the Canterbury Museum 237–238
XXXIII. On the Occurrence of Leptocephalus longirostris, Kaup, on the Coast of New Zealand. By Julius Haast 238
XXXIV. Notes on New Zealand Ichthyology. By James Hector, M.D., F.R.S., Director of the Geological Survey of New Zealand 239–250
XXXV. Notes on New Zealand Whales. By James Hector 251–265
XXXVI. Description of some Plates of Baleen in the Otago Museum. By Captain F. W. Hutton, C.M.Z.S. 266
XXXVII. Description of some Moa Remains from the Knobby Ranges. By Captain F. W. Hutton, F.G.S.; with anatomical Notes, by Millen Coughtrey, M.D. 266–273
XXXVIII. On the Dimensions of Dinornis Bones. By Captain F. W. Hutton 274–278
XXXIX. Description of two new Species of Aplysia. By Captain F. W. Hutton 279
XL. Description of two new Species of Crustacea from New Zealand. By Captain F. W. Hutton 279–280
XLI. Description of a new Species of Actinia. By Professor M. Coughtrey, M.D. 280
XLII. Notes on the New Zealand Hydroideæ. By Millen Coughtrey 281–293
XLIII. Description of a new Crustacean, Phronima novæ-zealandiæ. By Ll. Powell, M.D. 294–295
XLIV. On the Disappearance of the larger kinds of Lizard from North Canterbury. By the Rev. J. W Stack 295–297
XLV. On the Goodephagous Coleoptera of New Zealand. By H. W. Bates, F.L.S. 297–314
XLVI. On the Longicorn Coleoptera of New Zealand. By H. W. Bates 315–332