Page:Transactions and Proceedings of the New Zealand Institute - Volume 1 (2nd ed.).djvu/527

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Inaugural Meeting 1
Reply by Mr. Fox to the President's Inaugural Address 1–2
On recent Earthquakes and Wave Phenomena. By Dr. Hector 3–4
Valedictory Address by the Governors of the Institute to Sir G. Grey, K.C.B. 4–5
Address on the Moa (abstract). By the Hon. W. B. D. Mantell, F.G.S. 5–7
Inaugural Address of the President, H.E. Sir George F. Bowen, G.C.M.G. 9–15
Art. I.—On Boulders and Travelled Blocks in the Wellington Province. By J. C. Crawford, F.G.S. 19–20
Art. II.—On the Measurements of Dinornis Bones. By Julius Haast, Ph.D., F.R.S 21–30
Art. III.—On Hybridization, with reference to Variation in Plants. By W. T. L. Travers, F.L.S. 31–35
Art. IV.—On the recent Earthquakes and Wave Phenomena observed in New Zealand. By James Hector, M.D., F.R.S., Director of the Geological Survey of New Zealand 35–40
Second Communication on the same subject. By Dr. Hector 40–42
Third Communication on the same subject. By Dr. Hector 42–47
Art. V.—On a new Mode for the direct Desilvering of Argentiferous Gold. By William Skey, Analytical Chemist to the Geological Survey of New Zealand 47–48
Art. VI.—Notes on Herr Finsch's Review of Mr. Walter Buller's Essay on New Zealand Ornithology. By the Author 49–57
Art. VI.a.Notes on Mr. Walter Buller's Essay on the Ornithology of New Zealand. By Dr. Otto Finsch, Bremen. Translated from the German 58–73
Art. VII.—On the Celtic Origin of the English Vowel Sounds. By the Right Reverend C. J. Abraham, Bishop of Wellington 73–75
Art. VIII.—On the Island of Rapa. By Captain John Vine Hall 75–83
Art. IX.—Notes on Plants observed during a Visit to the North of Auckland. By T. Kirk 84–88
Art. X.—On the Botany of the Great Barrier Island. By T. Kirk 88–99
Catalogue of Plants found on the South and South-east Coasts of the Little Barrier Island. By T. Kirk 99–100
Catalogue of Naturalized Plants observed at Kororarika, Bay of Islands. By T. Kirk 100–101