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manifest the same evil influence, although in a much smaller degree, on the general population. At the close of Sir Thomas Brisbane's government, in October, 1825, the population of New South Wales amounted altogether to 36,336 persons: of these there were

Convicts in actual bondage 14,200
 Do.  holding tickets of leave 2,078
 Do. . free by servitude 6,018
 Do.  pardoned absolutely or conditionally 1,208
Total number of persons who either were or had been convicts 23,504
Free emigrants 3,150

There was, doubtless, at that period a native population of all ages of nearly 9000 souls; but it is evident that that population cannot be taken into account in estimating the character of the materials of which society was originally composed in the colony of New South Wales.

I have no account of the number of free emigrants and convicts who arrived in the colony during the first two years of the government of General Darling, but the following is a list of the number of persons of both classes who had arrived