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Traffic Signs

Given under the Official Seal of the Minister of Transport and Civil Aviation this seventh day of January, 1957.


Harold Watkinson

The Minister of Transport and Civil Aviation.


(This Note is not part of the Instrument, but is intended to indicate its general purport.)

This Instrument in Part I re-enacts with amendments the Traffic Signs (Size, Colour and Type) Regulations, 1950. Apart from the inclusion of a number of signs not previously prescribed for general use, the main changes between the Regulations in Part I and those now revoked are:

1. Regulation 5 applies section 49 of the Road Traffic Act, 1930 (which makes it an offence to fail to conform to the indication given by certain traffic signs lawfully placed on or near roads) to certain signs.

2. Regulation 18 requires that the sign (“ Halt at Major Road Ahead") shown in diagram 204 in the First Schedule shall, after the expiration of one year from the coming into operation of the Regulations, be illuminated by the fitting of a means of lighting unless illuminated by reflectors or reflecting material.

3. Regulations 21 and 22 and the Second Schedule prescribe in greater detail the size, colour and type of signs consisting of lines or marks which may be placed on the carriageway of a road . Part II of this Instrument re -enacts with amendments the Traffic Signs (General) Directions, 1950, and contains general directions subject to which a highway authority may place on or near any road within its area the signs prescribed in Part I of this Instrument. These directions now apply to certain of the new signs prescribed in Part I.

1957 No. 2149

The Traffic Signs ( Amendment) Regulations, 1957

Made 9th December, 1957
Laid before Parliament 16th December, 1957
Coming into Force 1st January, 1958

The Secretary of State and the Minister of Transport and Civil Aviation acting jointly in exercise of their powers under sections 48 and 59 of the Road Traffic Act, 1930(a)[1], as read with the Transfer of Functions (Roads, Bridges and Ferries) Order, 1955(b)[2], section 35 of the Road Traffic Act, 1956(c)[3], and of all other powers them enabling in that behalf hereby make the following Regulations

1.(1) These Regulations shall come into operation on the first day of January, 1958 , and may be cited as “ The Traffic Signs (Amendment) Regulations, 1957".

  1. (a) 20 & 21 Geo . 5. c. 43.
  2. (b) S.I. 1955/1955 (1955 I, p. 1205).
  3. (c) 4 & 5 Eliz. 2. c. 67.