Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 12.djvu/1192

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1140 CONVENTION WITH COSTA RICA. JULY 2, 1860. agreed by the two contracting par- entendido por las purtes contractuties that, though the board of oom- tes, que nunque la Junta de comme. missioners may, by such limitation; nados por tal limitatpioip hpya terms have terminated their action, said na o su accion, e ic o ercero en umpire is hereby authorizeadk alpd disoordiai queda dporblat presente red to ed to e is autoriza 0 con po er as an e para dzzidibii or lawsrrdcin suchmcase or proceder é. dar su decision 6 fallo en cases pending as aforesaid; and, el mso 6 casos pendientes como so “"°“ €“’ °°’3E°.§i‘€{°L’P Z“3¤‘?éZi30”Zt€°i§dZ €..‘;J"fS§S—£?.l§E (3356, \‘&¤S!Dl 0 n ’_ Govemments,mentioningtheamount 5. coda uno de los dos Gobnemos, of indemnity, if such shall have been mencionando la. suma que debe inallowed by him, together with the demnizarse, si asf se ha admitido rate of interest specified by the por él junto con el interés especilifourth article, such decision or award cado por el articulo cuarto, tal doshall be taken and held to be bind- cisiou 6 fallo se tendré. por nnal y ing and conclusive, and it shall work obhgatorio, y producira los mismos the same eifectzsthougb it had been efectos mo si hubielra sido dado d b tmtht ecommissioners un- por am comisnona os por condi; thai; own agreement, or by them ven}; de ello?16 por gzllioslmediante u n decision of the case or of the una ecision e caso e os cases crises, respectively, pronounced by respectivamente, pronunciada por el the umpire of said board, during the tercero en discordia de dicha Junta, period prescribed for its sessions: durantec el periodo seiialado para ·»·Y"¥%’*&€§ "" P"""‘”"" "°"'i'i.2'2 iiié °°°‘3*°“ Z`£i.§L°'I§.’;, .£‘°.i1c?£Z“§‘ii°§5Z on ove case yl pen mg , d°y°' at therlermination of the labors of uno de los cases que puedan estatthe board shall be given by the um- pengientgs ii la tergiinacion dedlos ire within sixty days from their tra jos e ajunta eoomisiona os, heal adjournment; and that at the deberé. darse por el teroero en disexpiratiou of the said sixty days oordia dentro. el término de sesenta. the authority and power hereby dias desde su tina} suspension; y granted to said umpire shall cease. que si la espiracion de los dicbos sesenta alias cesaran el poder y la autoridad ue r la resente se

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otorgan al dicho tercero en discordia. ABTICLE VIII. LRTICUI.0 V!II°. Psy of <=¤m— Each government shall pay its Cada gobierno pager:} 6. su comi- ‘“‘“‘°“°”*°f " ·b th °d- l b't d l ` 1;;****- Mts; E§"’$.?3"£“fiZ“?§;-tilt.] Z‘Z,"§..21.‘§°§';S'i0s°ZcLi’§E0$.2i.§L 'YSL expenses . i i of the commission, including the de- la oomision, inclusive el del page do frayal of the services of a secretary, los servicios de nn secretario, que who may be appointed. under the podri ser nombrado segun el.aric e, s a ax one icuo um o, se ga os mi fifthml hllbepd halftlqt rénpad tad by the United States, and the other por la Republica de Costa Rica, y half b the Republic of Costa Rica. mitad 1- los Estados Unidos. Y P P0 ARTICLE IX. LBTICUL0 IX°. h Convgntipn, to The present convention shall be Lapresente convencion sera. apro- °" “°“ approved and ratified by the Presi- bada y ratificada por el Presidente M ·PPmv°d’ M dent of the United States of Amer- de la Republics do Costa Rica, con . ica, by and with the advice and el consentimiento y la aprobacion consent of the Senate of the said del Supreme Poder Legislative do States; and by the President of the dicha Republics; y por el Presi- Republic of Costa. Rica, with the dente de los Estedos Unidos do