Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 12.djvu/1210

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1158 TREATY WITH VENEZUELA. Aueusr 27, 1860. no respect embarrass the exercise cion en ningun respecto embarazara of his consular functions or afect el ejercicio de sus funciones consuthe inviolability of the consular ar- lares, ni afectara la inviolabilidad chives. de los archivos consulares. The said oonsuls and vice-oonsuls Dichos eonsules y vice consules _Go¤•uls and shall have the right, as such, to sit tendran como tales el derecho de Emxtb "° b° 3S judges and arbitrators in such servir de jueces arbitradores en las ’ diderences as may arise between diferencias que se susciten entre los the masters and crews of the vessels capitanes y tripulaciones de los belonging to the nation whose inter- buques pertenecientes a. la nacion ests are committed to their charge cuyos intereses estan puestos a su without the interference of the local cuidado, sin intervencion de las auauthorities, unless their assistance toridades locales, a ménos que se should be required, or the conduct requiera la asistencia de ellas, 6 que of the crews or of the captain should la conducta de las tripulaoiones 0 disturb the order or tranquillity of del capitan turbe el 6rden 6 la tranthe country. It is, however, un- quilirlad del pais. Se entiende sin derstood that this species of judg- embargo, que esta especie de juicio ment or arbitration shall not de- 6 arbitrameuto no privaré. a. las prive the contending parties of the partes contendientes del derecho right they have to resort, on their que tienen para recurrir, cuando return, to the judicial authority of vuelvan a. su pais, é. la autoridad their own country. judicial de este. to ,,1.,.,,, dc. The said consuls and vice-consuls Dichos consules y vice c6nsulcs ¤ortm,&c. are authorized to require the assist- tendran la facultad de requerir la. ance of the local authorities for the asistencia. de las autoridades locales arrest and imprisonment of the de- para el arresto y prision de los deserters from the ships-of-war and sertores de los buques de guerra y merchant vessels of their country. mercantes de su pais. A este fin, For this purpose they shall apply se dirijiran a los tribunales, jueces Proceedings- to the competent tribunals, judges, y empleados competentes, y reclaand officers, and shall, in writing, maran por escrito tales desertores, demand such deserters, proving by probando con la exhibicion de los the exhibition of the registers of registros de los buques, los roles de the vessels, the muster rolls of the las tripulaciones 6 cualesquiera otros crews, or by any other official doc- documentos oficiales, que tales indiuments, that such individuals formed viduos formaban parte dc aquella; part of the crews; and on this claim y probado asi esta. demanda, no se being substantiated the surrender negara, la entrega. Tales desertoshall not be refused. Such deser- res, cuando sean arrestados, seran ters, when arrested, shall be placed puestos a. la disposicion de los e6n— at the disposal of the consuls and sules y vice consules, y podran ser vice-consuls, and may be confined encerrados en las carceles ptiblicas in the public prisons at the request d solicitud y espensas de los que los and cost of those who shall claim reclamen para ser euviados a los them, in order to be sent to the ves- buques é. que pertenezean 6 a otros sels to which they belong, or to del mismo pais. Pero si no fueren others of the same country. But if mandados dentro de tres meses connot sent back within three months tados desde el dia. de su arresto, of the day of their arrest, they shall seran puestos en libertad, y no volbe set at liberty, and shall not again veran a ser arrestados por la misma be arrested for the same cause. causa. Si se viere sin embargo que However, if the deserter shall be el desertor ha cometido algun crifound to have committed any crime men 6 delito, se deferira. su entrega or offence, his surrender may be hasta que el tribunal donde penda delayed until the tribunal before su causa haya pronuuciado sentenwhich his case shall be pending cia y se haya llevado esta a ejecu— shall have pronounced its sentence cion. and such sentence shall have been carried into effect.