Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 12.djvu/1211

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TREATY WITH VENEZUELA. Aucusr 27, 1860. 1159 Anrxcnm xxvrr. ARTICULO Xxvu. The United States of America La Rep1iblicadeVenezuelay los Fu -,3 M md the Republic of Venezuela, on Estados Unidos de América., en vir- justicsiii vu m requisitions made in their name tnd de requisitorias que se hagan en through the medium of their re- su nombre, por el érgano de sus spective diplomatic and consular respectivos agentes diplomaticos y agents, shall deliver up to justice consulares, entregaran a la justicia persons who, being charged with las personas aquienes imputandose the crimes enumerated in the fol- los crimenes enumerados en el artilowing article, committed within the culo siguiente cometidos dentro de jurisdiction of the requiring party, la jurisdiccion delaparte requirente, shall seek asylum or shall be found buscaren asilo 6 fueren encontrados within the territories of the other: dentro de los territories de la otra; Provided, That this shall be done con tal que se haga esto solamente Evihm M only when the fact of the oommis- cuando el hecbo de la comision del crime. sion of the crime shall be so estab- crimen esté acreditado de modo que lished as to justify their apprehen- justiiicase la. aprehension y somesion and commitment for trial, if timiento st juicio de las personas the crime had been committed in acusadas, si se hubiese cometido el the country where the persons so crimen en el pais donde se hallen, accused shall be found; in all of en todo lo cual los tribunales de diwhich the tribunals of said country cho pais procederénydecidiran conshall proceed and decide according ’ forme a sus leyes. to their own laws. l ARTICLE xxvm. mHcUL0 XXVIII. Persons shall be delivered up, Conforme a las disposiciones de (mm,. M according to the provisions of this esta convencion, seran entregadas Vb3h ¤;‘¤¤d•¤ convention, who shall be charged las personas 6. quienes se Aimpute “ °" with any of the following crimes, to alguno de los crimenes siguientes, é. wit: murder, (including assassina- saber: Homicidio voluntario, (inclution, parricide, infanticide, and poi- yendo el asesinato, el parricidio, el soning;) attempt to commit murder; infanticidio, y el envenenamiento ;)` rape; forgery; the counterfeiting conato de homicidio; fuerza hecha. of money; arson; robbery with a muger; falsiticacion; fabricacion violence, intimidation, or forcible de moneda falsa; incendio; robo entry of an inhabited house; pira- con violencia, intimidacion, 6 entracy; embezzlement by public officers, da violenta en una casa habitada; or by persons hired or salaried, to piraterta; peculado 6 hurto comethe detriment of their employers, tido por personas alquiladas 6 asawhen these crimes are subject to lariadas en detrimento de los que infamous punishment. las emplean, cuando estos crimenes esten sujetos a castigo infa~ mante. uvrxcnm XK1X- ARTICUL0 xxxx. On the part of each country the Por parte de cada pais, la entrega emma', surrender shall be made only by the sera hecha solamente de érden del $ic<;¤<2;> ¤¤¤'¤¤- authority of the executive thereof ejecutivo. Los gastos de detencion ’ The expenses of detention and de- y entrega hechos en virtud de los mpmmh livery eH`ected in virtue of the articnlos preeedentes, correran 6. preceding articles, shall be at the cargo de la parte reclamante. cost of the party making the demand.