Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 17.djvu/666

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626 FORTY—SECOND CONGRESS. Sess. IH. Ch. 321, 322. 1873. national cemetery at Salisbury, North Carolina, a suitable granite naonument to the memory §££'?_’;2Xhm of the twelve thousand Union soldiers who chod m the pr1son—pen at that `place, and whose remains are buried in trenches 111 that cemetery; and the sum of ten thousand dollars, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is hereby appropriated for this purpose out of any money in the treasury not otherwise appropriated Approved, March 3, 1873. March 3v 1873* CHAP. CCCXXI. ——·An Act to aulhorize the Secretary M the Inferior l0 negotiate wiz]; the Chief and ]]ead-men of the Crow Tribe of Indiuns,j?2r the Surrender of their Reservatiozz or a Part there<y` in Z/ze Tezritmjy rg/`rllonlana. Bc it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United Seeretarydthe States of America in Congress assembkd, That the Secretary of the Inte· I“‘?’;°’ "?3>’ ;‘°‘ rior be, and he is hereby, authorized to negotiate with the chiefs and head.

 isiliakg ig,. men of the Crow tribe of Indians, in the Territory of Montana, for the

surrender ofjtheir surrender of their reservation in said Territory, or of such part thereof v“v”°‘°‘? m, as mav be consistent with the welfare of the said Indians; Provided, Tha; oumnu, 1f, &c. · . . . . . . any such negouation shall leave the remainder of said reservation in compact form and in good locality for farming purposes, having within it a suiiieiency of good land for farming and a sufficiency for water and timber; and if there is upon such reservation a locality where fishing could be valuable to the Indians, to include the same if practicable; and the Secretary shall report his action in pursuance of this act to Congress, at the next session thereoiQ for its confirmation or rejection. Anrnovnn, March 3, 1878. March 3, 1873. CHAP. CCCXXII.—— To authorize the Sscretmy of the Interior to negotiate with the -`—*—`_` ;]'r§ek Indians jbr the Cessian of a Portion of their Reservation, occupied by friendly n [ans. Preamble. W'hereas by the third article of the treaty concluded with the Creek Vo1.xiv.p.786. Indians June fourteenth, eighteen hundred and sixty-six, said Indians ceded to the United States, for the settlement of friendly Indians and freedmen, the west half of their entire domain, to be divided by a line running north and south; and whereas the recent survey of said line, made in conformity with the provisions of said treaty, includes within the limits of the Creek reservation, east of said line, some of the improvements made on a reservation selected on what was supposed to be the Creek ceded lands, for the Seminole tribe of Indians, which reserva· Vol. xiv. p. 756. tion is provided for in their treaty of March first, eighteen hundred and sixty-six, and also some of the improvements of the Sacs and Foxes, of the Mississippi tribe of Indians, made on a reservation intended to be estab- V<>l·,XV- P- 496· lished in accordance with the provisions of their treaty of February eighteenth, eighteen hundred and sixty-seven; and whereas said improvements have been made upon said lands by and for the aforesaid Indians, who have settled thereupon in good faith, in accordance with treaty stipulations; and whereas it is necessary, in order to secure these improvements to said Indians, and to insure them suitable reservations, that the lands occupied thereby should be granted to them; Therefore, Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives, of the United Secretary Ortho States, ofAnzericat, in Congress assembled : That the Secretary of the Inte- 1nt9ri<>rm¤y¤¤— rior be, and he hereby is, authorized to negotiate with the aforesaid §‘;;;“l;"I;"(;EQn?fOr Creek Indians for the relinquishment to the United States of such porthe cession ora tions of their country as may have been set apart in accordance with P°”i°¤ 9F mm treaty stipulations, for the use of the Seminoles, and the Sacs and Foxes reservation. . . . . . . . of the Mississippi tribes of Indians, respectively, found to be east of the line separating the Creek ceded lands from the Creek reservation, and also to negotiate and arrange with said tribes for a final and permanent Report to Con— adjustment of their reservations; and the Secretary shall report the result g"’”‘ to Congress. Approved, March 3, 187 3.