Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 18 Part 2c.djvu/856

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INDEX TO PUBLIC TREATIES. . . . PSM- {hg, Great BHYG$N—C0[E.tlHU9d. Great Br·itain—C011tinued. Renewal 0 commercial con- 3. P mi d ‘ ‘ veumm, August 0. 1827..311, 312 al16g20s;?;??.-.].?.°°°m°°f°° t° 323 1- C¤¤V•¢¤¥l0¤ vf muh {OF !'€g\1}M10¤ of 4. Construction to be faeilltated- ·.--.· 3221 commerce, ccrmuucd in force- 312 Establishment of free porms ..; I 323 g I1g“:"§lf°? °t mw °°'“'€““°“ ---— ~ ··-- 5· Neutrality and protection guaranteed. 323 ·· aPJ wm ······ _ ···· - ···-· -- ·-··-- $12 W1tl1drawulof guaranty ,,,,,, , ,,,,, 323 Convcgégzllr I‘t!|:(=lV€d tty lllglh- ’ 6. Friendly states to be invited to 0 H llll ll , Qp• tjt ______ _ _____ __ ____ ____ 324 Wmbe" 29v IS27 ···----- -· - - 3l2·3l5 i Trggsvgiiplnlznionswimh C¤¤r.m1Amgy. 1. Diherences to be reierred to a friendly l gm}, Emma ____ _ _____ _ _ ___________ 324 P¤W°¤ ---- p- ···- · --·------- - ----- 313 s m ¤ r an 324 2. Statement oi respective cases to be 7. Canning? fsr conszlnggssn. . . 324 ¤*“'¤ ¤P ···· _ -· ----·------·-· 313 8. Prctectfo n mn ‘ u s,. 324 3. Mutual c0nan1un1cation of evidence .. 313 Equitalllel cllaigegrointlryllanullzecxpgscl. 325 4. Maps to be annexed to statements . . . 314 Privileges to eimizens of other nations. 325 5. Sxazemxinzigffgé vxuxn to be delivered 314 9. Ramieazionm- . ... . . 325 er . . V ‘ ‘ ····· ·· · I ( an H f- ln 6. Further ev1denee,h0w to be produced. 314 Prot tcliégcf ggccibcr gripsgoogzs 326 7. Final decisions Lo be conclusive .. 315 Statwwm Lf Mx, L W ’ " ’ 32,, 8‘ R°'°m°mi°" ’‘‘‘‘' ‘ ‘‘‘‘‘ ‘ ‘‘··· ‘ ····· 315 Conenrmnce of 1§rin?shr;g$:rnmen%---. 325 Treaty of boundaries, suppn-s- A f - ‘‘ 326 jon of g|avg-trade and ex- .gm0mGm 0 cessufn -' -lH I N- _ U- mnamqn, August é, 1842.215-220 °‘°""’· °°""°'*"°'*• *`°""“'“¥ 1. Boundary hue between the United $2 1853* "" ‘‘‘‘‘ ·‘ " ·‘·· · ‘··· :526629 States and the British possessions. . 316 1* Cmlms to ba “’f*’“`°d t" °°m""°' 2. Continuation of boundary line .. 317 “‘°¥“’" ··········· :· ·, ··········· 326v 327 3. Navigation of river St. John .. ... 317 ApP9‘“tm““° of °f’“?m‘"’°““” ·· ···· 327 4_ Ccrmm ]&¤d.gmm;s confirmed _______ 318 Mew'}? °f °°"’“T‘"‘°“°” ****‘‘‘‘‘ " 327 5. Distribution of disputed territory S°1°°U°".°f °mP“`° ·•·· , ··: ···* ··· ··· 327 mud--I-`·--...--··•_··_·.-I-;.-_ 318 D00l3I‘€j»U011 UI ¤0¤\¤11BB\0¤€!`B and 3, Lim; bgtwggn the St, Croix wd sg, “"‘P“° **** . **‘* . **‘‘‘‘**‘*****‘‘* 3 Lawrence mmm to be mn U __ ____ 319 2. Invcsmgamou of clmmn. .-------·-- -· 327 Appointment of commissioners _____,_ 319 Pr°°°d“r° . ·‘***‘*******‘’* . **‘*‘‘*‘ 3 27 Report of commissioners me Wha ¤¤¤r>¤¤ mw M ¤·¤¤<* m ------ 327 ’- °¤;;;·;*;t;,·;;* ¤~—·=·¤¤¤ M *0 fm 31,, }£;2F£°3*§1.‘;‘l'$$22*;;;,;.;;.;:::::;z;;; 333 8, Supprgggigg ,,§'{;§g },iQ,§},`£{Qd.Qj XIII: 319 £f’°*F’i°'¥“ “‘ Q’°]°°“°l“““"’ *·····*·*·· gg? Squadrons to be maintained on coast }m‘mm°° ° ° aimm "T"' *‘‘'‘* ‘"‘ of Africa---".------"'M________ 319 3. Tamefur prescntnngclmrns -----· Concert of action between squadrons,. 319 ::“‘,;E’°¥;°# “}h°“ m .b"1 gwm ***‘‘**** 9- Rcmonstmnces wm; other powers _ __ 319 PH GH y glccmmnssxoners. .. . .. 328 10. Fugitives from justice to be delivered Clfgxslgngof; p‘:::;m; 3B' ' 323 up. . . . . . . 320 ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ Crimes for which surrender may be 6* §‘;‘;’;gs€m£. {613 *’‘*‘***‘‘‘‘‘ made . . . . .. .. 320 . · 9 ~·-···-·--·-· _ Evidence of criminality required 320 7* R°‘mH°'?‘m°°° ‘****‘ ‘ ’***‘*****‘*' ‘"' 329 Expenses of arrest and delivery .. 320 Recipromty treaty, June 5*, _ 11. Duration of treaty .. ... . 320 I854 ··-·----- ; ·---·· —---—· $29*33-* 12. R,8.‘ILlHCBt10DS.. . ..,,.,, ,_, , , ,___ _ 320 Rgfgrgncg {gg qguvggtlgu of 1818 ________ 329 Treaty [0I' settlement of b0\IIld- 1. Additional privileges to extizensuf the ary west of the Rocky United States in tl1o_£lsheries .. 330 Mountains, June 15, R088f\l€d.BIltlSh fisherws: . . . 330

 __ ______ _ ____ _ __ _ _ ____ _ _ ,,320-322 Cgqjmlgggongl-8 {,0 dgtgrmlug I-Egg;-vg,.

1. Boundary from point on forty-ninth 321 A hopsé { Hrsé...}; ... arallcl defmed .-- ppmn men 0 e0mm1 none . .. Nagigation between Vanc0uver’s Selection of umpire ... . . 330 Island and the continent, and of 321 `I?eclaration§...h .. . . Fuca’¤ Straits ...--- . .. - ·- ¤wa¤c¤9¤ vw · -------- .. .. I 2. Navigation of Columbia River ... 321 Proeeedmlgs of commissioners 330 3. Possessory rights of Hudsonh Bay 321 r 2 (lgecnnous aqglmgng . 330 Company &e , om; pn n 4- Farms, Gzc.: of Puget’s Sound Agri- United Staten 1. ..· cultural] Cgmpgny ________ ___ _ ___ _ 32] Rgggyygd Amgylcgu §g]]3¤5g_ _·_ ____ :_ 5, R;;,t,ifi(;g(,jgpg _____, __ ___,_, , ___,_ __,, 322 3, Carta]; prmtlmgtp to fb; pdmxtzhed in 331 Convention relative to ship- eac_ conn ry ree 0 u y . Canal, April 19, Q850 ...t.322-325 Free·l1stg . ..:... 331 1. Ne1ther party to exermse exclusxve 4. Nav1gation 0. mver 111 a e 1 control over proposed canal ... 322 and Canadnan canals .. . . .. 33 Nor to maintain tbrmiiicamions in its 322 R1ghc(p;dfree HBV1g8E10D may be sus- 332 N0:1i?la3genme l dem-inion, \ Unllred Qtatesmay suspend Article III . 3552 &c __ _ ___ _ _____ _ _ _ __ _____ _ _ ______ 322Ngvlgaglgu of Lgkg Mlchgggu ______ , , 332 Nor {aka advantage for exclusivezg 323 é Nosdutéyfnblumber iioated down the 332 riviie es. &<= --.--- -- --·------·- 3 mn 0 ¤ -..------·--------- __ 2. Vegsels tiaversing the canal to be ,5. Whenltreaty shall take eifedt exempt from blockade, Jac 323 ~ Duratmn oi treaty.. .. . . . R s IV;-54