Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 23.djvu/945

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INDEX. 917 R, Page. Page. Reading, Pa., Baby. John, appropriation for purchase of site, and compayxuerit to .. . . . . . ... 582 pletion of public building at 461 Racine. H is., erection ofpublie building at, zmuthorizecl . . 346 appropriation forimprovemeiitofharborut. 137 Rebate Claims, R414U6h, JIGTW8 (d208W6d), payment of certain, etc .. . . , , 2 payment to administrator of the estate of. 529 T Rebecca Shoal Light-station, Fla., Ruguda/e, Al/red,appropriation for erection of light-house.. 197 payment to .. . ... . .. - 585 Receivers of Public Moneya. Rahul, Wenzel, appropriations for salaries, etc., of ... 211),498 R{{¤3m;¤f liz .- .--- 95 l deficientey appropriation for salaries, etc., an e. · veep , 0 -- - -..-..-----.. 245,462 pension to, increased .. . . . 694 V to be allowed per diem in lieu m' subsis- Raiford, Wigliam B., 367 R tance ... . 210, 4% payment 0 . -- . . ’ ecoinage, Rail, Eugene B., I appropriation for the, of gold and silver released from bond, on payment of $1,000.. 691 coins . -. --. .. . . . . ,,._ 204, 494 Railroad Companies, Records of the Rebellion, pay of, tobe reduced for refusal to transport appropriation for salaries, etc., in office of mails on fastest trains .. 386 publication of . ... .,., .181, 412 Railroad and Telegraph Line, for publishing official .. . . ._ -_ _ , 220 forfeiture of lands granted for construction odicial, provisions of act relative to distriof, from Portland to McMinnville in bution of copies of the, amended, etc. 276 Oregon . ... 296 appropriation for collection, compilation, Railrooda, etc., of the Naval. ... . 185,414 appropriation for salaries, etc., in office of for continuing publication of .. . 508 the Commissionerof .. . . 419 Records of Surveyor of District of Columbia, for efamining accounts of subsidized and 419 to be part of public property .. . . ... 312 and-grant . . . -... ... -. Recruiting, Railway Post-Ujice Clerks, · appropriation for, for Navy .. -.-- 289, 428 appropriation for .. . . . . . . 157, 386 deficiency appropriation for . . ..l 17 Railway Postal-Car Service, for Marine Corfpsh .. . ... .. 293, 432 appropriation for ... . .. .. 157,386 for expenses o , Army. . . . . 107, 357 deficiency appropriation for . . . ... . 465 Red Gross Association, Ralston, D. C., appropriation to pay expenses of represenpaymvnt to .. .. . . ... . 458 tatives of the United States. to con- Rambo, J. M., ference of the. at Geneva; appointpayment to . . .. . ... . . 566 Bd R. mont, etc., of representatives .. 194 Ronda , Eliza . 'ver, pgyigrent to ,,.. , . . .. . . .. .. -. . . 454 President to detail one or more Army om- Ramodell, Isabella J., cers to ascertain where the one-hum pension to .- . . .. . . . . - 540 dlredth meridian of longitude crosses 297 Rancho do Napa, Cal., li e . ... . . .. claimants to, allowed one year in which to Red River, La., ' present claim etc, . . . ... 49 appropriation for lighting and `bnoyage of Randall, Elizabeth A. (widow). m0¤'h of --·- · .---· -- ---.·- - ----- 200, *87 pension to ,,,.,. . . , . . . . . . 692 appropiiztion for improvement oi, La: and 1 I Rank r -- . --·- - ----- - .-.·. 4 of enlisted men on retired list, Army and Red River of the North, Min. and Dah., Mgriue Carpe, ,... . .. . . 305 appropriation for improvement of . 143 Rankin, John M., Redd, JU'rcd (colored), . pgymgnh m __,_..._,,,. , ,., . . .,.. 583 payment to . .. .. - 574 Rappahannock River, Va., Redd, Henry (¢,·oIon·d), ’ _ appropriation for improvement of . . .. 139 E payment to . . . ... 574 Raritan Bay. LT J., Redemption Checks, appropriation for improvement of harbor - appropriation for printing, etc . .175,406 or _,__,_,,.. , ,.,,... .-., . .. 134 | Rcdjield, David, Raritan Birer, N. J., l payment to .-.- . . 5*6 appropriation for improvement of 125 Redman, H. G., Rathbon, Hurry, [ payment to .. .. .. . . . . 567 pgymgus to ,_,, ..,. ,., .,.. .. .-.. 95 Redmond, Sarah .4., Rathbun. E. W., and Company, { relief of -. .. .. -. .. .. -. . . . _ BIB duties refunded to, for lumber burnt; pro- Redwood, Cal., vim ___, , ,_,,,_, _, . _,,,,, , 66-6 i appropriation for improvement of harbor In Rat Sto , at ... ... . .. 2 Jmmprizion for, for poatal service ..156,386 I Reece, Hazel, 566 54;;;, paymen to . ... .. . ... deficiency appropriation for, to prisoners of Reed, Charlm H., _ war and furlonghed soldiers . ... 459 x Repsymeint to . . - . . . .. . . ell Rawlins. J. 0 , , , mac. release of the snretlee of . . 538 l relief ol' ...·--··--.-.--·- · --··----- - 534 Raye, Lieut. P. H'., , Rnd, James L., _ __ extra 'es of, report of International s payment to .. . ...· . ...--..-·. --· - Mb lsgllajr Expedition to Point Barrow, { Revd, Peter, _ Make, to be printed . - 518 payment to administrator of . . v66 Bee, Andrew, l Reed, R•b»rl, payment to .. . .. . .. .. 583 , payment to administrator ot',. .. . . 566 •