Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 27.djvu/330

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FIFTY-SECOND CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 311. 1892. 303 lars per month, from April first to December seventh, eighteen hundred and ninety-one, inclusive, two hundred and eighty-seven dollars and nity-eight cents. To pay laborer in charge of public closet in south wing of the Capi- L¤b¤r¤r. public tol, from March fourth to June thirtieith, eighteen hundred and ninety- °l°°°°’ one, inclusive, two hundred and thirty-six dollars. UNDER. THE PUBLIC PRINTER. P¤b1i¤P¤i¤i¤r· To pay twenty per centum, in addition to the amount paid them for T"°¤'°Y P°* °°¤*· day labor to Stephen Caldwell, laborer, and Samuel Robinson and WiHiam {Madden, messengers, during the first session of the Fifty- secagnd Congress, three hundred and eighty-three dollars and forty cen s. J UDGMEN TS, UNITED STATES COURTS. Judgments. Uniwi - States courts. For payment of the final judgments and decrees, including costs of suit, which have been rendered under the provisions of the act of March third, eighteen hundred and eighty seven, entitled “A.n act to vn 24,];.505. provide for the bringing of suits against the Government of the United States/’ certified to Congress at its present session by the Attorney- General in House Executive Documents Numbered Nine and Two hundred and forty-three and Senate Executive Document Numbered One hundred and thirty-six, thirteen thousand nine hundred and fifty-seven dollars and forty-three cents, together with such additional sum as may be necessary to pay interest on the respective judgments, at the rate of four per centum per annum from the date thereof until the time this appropriation is made. JUDGMENTS, COURT OF CLAIMS. For payment of judgments of the Court of Claims as follows: Payment of jung- To YVil1iam J. Gaudin, one hundred and sixty doHars; 3;;;* C°“" °* To E. E. Stafford, administratrix of Joseph M Staiford, one hundred ` and eighty-six dollars; To J. Crockett Givens, ninety-seven dollars; To Frank Hardin, three hundred and one dollars and sixty-five cents; To Isaac C Fowler, three hundred and seventy-nine dollars and fifty- six cents- To Heiiry L Carroll, one hundred and forty-four dollars and fifty-five cents- To J. Phillips, administrator of J. M. Phillips, two hundred and thirty dollars; To J. A. Donnell, eighty-five dollars and thirty-tive cents; To John M Langston, one hundred and twenty-two dollars an d twenty- nine cents; To William J. Gaudin, one hundred dollars; To William E. Abbott, one hundred and four dollars and seventeen cents; To Morris Kirkpatrick, one hundred and seven dollars; To Edward George, one hundred and ten dollars; To Ebenezer N. O. Clough, one hundred and eighty-three dollars; To Richard G. Davenport, executor of George R. Graham, two thousand and thirty-six dollars; To William J. Gaudin, one hundred and fifty-five dollars; To B. H. Peterson, two thousand two hundred and sixty-six dollars and nine cents- To William McKinstry, one thousand nine hundred and twenty- three dollars and seventy-five cents; Tp W. C. Robards, four hundred and fifty-eight dollars and forty cen s;