Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 38 Part 1.djvu/1023

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SIXTY-THIRD CONGRESS. Sess. III. Ch. 141. 1915. 1005 Libra.ry $900, two for gallery and alcoves at $540 each; telephone operator, $660; four jumor messengers, at $420 each; two wa en,

1% §g20 elach; evening servilce, ass‘Lis1tants—five at $900 each, fifteen at

eac , two at $600 eac · in , $55,560. Periodical (including evening service): Chief of division, $2,000; *’°’*°‘“°°*· ass1stants—chief $1,500, two at $960 each, five at $780 each; stenogra her and typewriter, $900; two junior messengers, at $420 each; in all? $11,060. Documents: Chief of division, $3,000; assistants-one $1,500, one D°°‘“”°“°’· 2171 80; stenographer and typewriter, $900; junior messenger, $420; in , $6 600. I Manuscript: Chief of division, $3,000; assistants—chief $1,500, one **°‘°°*°"°*‘

    • i?¥; j"“i?fi§‘§‘;°»?§“gc‘i€;.¥*i°.ir“’ ""’ *.%**0% · $1 ¤»»¤»¤¤·=»·=~

aps an c : o vision ,0 · ass1stants—one ,500 two at $960 each one $780; junior xiiexenger, $420; inall, $7,620. , Music: Chief of division, $3,000; assistants-one $1,500, one $1,000, "“““’· two at $780 each; junior messenger, $420; in all, $7,480. Prints: Chief of division, $2,000; assistants—one $1,500, two at P’“**S· $9gO eaiizgi; junioir messenggrs, $(4120; in all, $5, 1 S uhsomuh mit oman eposit: to `an $1 500* assis t ‘$ 500* mes- m serzier, $720; junior messenger, $420; all), $4,140. , 7 _ ’ PZ; mama ngressionalalteference `brary: Custodian, $1,500; assistants-- M, ;j'f§§,,_ "` one;1$1,200, one $900, one $780; two junior messengers, at $420 each; in $5,220. Law Library: Librarian, $3,000; assistants—twq at $1,400 each, “"*‘“"""" gi;;0$960,a;>lnr; one (evemng service), $1,500; jumor messenger, 3 m 1 » · ‘ Semitic and Oriental Literaimrez Chief of division $3 000· assist- L§*°’“m°*“‘*°'*°”°‘* anCo$1’50012i·1j regis, ,$3000 °t*:;;‘°°m°°' rrme : · • clerks—four at $2,000 each, fom; at $1,800 each, seven at $1,600 each; one $1,500, eight at $1,400 each, ten at $1,200 each, ten at $1,000 each, eighteen at $900 each, twvo at $800_ each, ten at $720 each, four at $600 each, tivo at $480 each; cflourkgunioré at1$g60 ggch. Arrears, speci service: er , at eac · po r 20· j‘“ii°;.gT“§““i§‘¢ *3*2; "i°“.;.i%33·?§£·nb.La.. a 0;...,.. em, L··~——»·~~ R ···=- 8 8. IVG 9 6l‘8D Z 0 ·· ence. ploy competent persons to gatherhclassify, and make available, in B°"'*°° d°°*$“"°"· translations, indexes, digests, compilations, and bulletins, and otherwise, data for or bearing upon legislation and to render such data serviceable to Congress and committees and Members thereof ,_$25,000. Cm wml Drsrmnurron or cum mnnxnsz For service in connection with distribution of card indexes and otherhpubligatioinsbeof the Iliibaguryi including the followin salaries now authorize an ingpai : ' of division, $3,000· ciief assistant, $1,800; ass1stants———one $1,600, thrgia i>.g0$1,5({10 elaxcgi, tl;11;:{a(;>.(;0$1,4§)10 each three at $1,200 eaichgwc; t , ac,t ea eac·an orserviceso assisan a Salaries legs than $1,000 dper aunum,and for piecework and work by the hour, $15,600, inclu ng not exceed5ng_t$€00;§rdg:;I1.§l1ttchargesi expressage, traveling expenses connecte wi _ su u 1011,. an ex enses of attendance at meetings when incurred on the written auliihozity and direction of the Librarian, $39,500. _ _ Tmpmq www Tnmronnmj snnvromsz For special and temporary service, mclud— ‘ ing} extra special services of regular employees at the discretion of the Li rarian $2,000. _ Cnnigiizgz srénlylrggi Fc; service in coiilrarztionf with thi Senate and °““'*°' ’°‘“°°· H ce ` gs, 960 or so muc ereo as may enecessary. _ (Sliinnr ormrmc: To enable the Library of Congress to_be kept S"""”°*’°“""· open for reference use from two until ten o’clock postmergdian on Sundays and legal holidays, within the discretion of the Librarian,