Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 38 Part 1.djvu/1139

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SIXTY-THIRD CONGRESS. Sess. III. Ch. 145. 1915. 1121 hundred and eight, between the United States and Great Britain, of Sgggnaigwcguagftw the land and water boundary line between the United States and the vei. ss, p. zone. ‘ Dominion of Canada, as established under existing treaties, to be expended under the direction of the Secretary of State, including employment at the seat of government of such surveyors, computers, draftsmen, and clerks as are necessary, and commutation to members of the field force while on field duty or actual expenses not exceeding $2.50 per day each, to be expended in accordance with regulations from time to time prescribe b the Secretary of State, $40,000, together with the une ended ballance of previous appropriations for Pmm these objects: Providili That hereafter advances of) money under Advances no comthe a propriation "Boundary line, Alaska and Canada, and the "“”“°“°'· _ United States and Canada," may) be made to the commissioner on the part of the United States and y his authority to chiefs of parties, who shall give bond under such rules and regulations and in such sum as the Secretary of State may direct, and accounts arising under such advances shall be rendered 'lil1l'0l:§l1 and by the commissioner on the part of the United States to e Treasury Department as under advances heretofore made to chiefs of parties. m·r1:r..NA·r1oNaL BUREAU AT nnussms Fon nrzmmssxoir or Tun Amucan SLAVE raann. To meet the share of the United States in the expenses of the “""°“ ‘°’ R'f’”’· s ecial bureau created by article eighty-two of the general act con- i'l‘1g¤g§e-Zinn S an clluded at Brussels, July second, eighteen hundred and ninety, for "'°"' the repression of the African slave trade and the restriction of the importation into and sale in a certain deiined zone of the African Continent, of firearms, ammunition, and spirituous liquors, for the year nineteen hundred and sixteen, $125. rN·rn1z1~rA·r1oNAL raison comurssrorr. For subscri tion of the United States as an member of the P,,,I§,,,‘° '” °f *,°“l InternationalPPrison Commission, and the expenses 0 a commission, C m including preparation of reports, $2,550. rim AMERICAN Umor:. Pan American Union, $75,000: Provided, That any mone ¤,§§.§{ "“‘°"°‘” received from the other American Republics for the suslport of tig {gv?-mm, _ m Union shall be paid into the Treasury as a credit, in ad tion to the ems:. Y a propriation, and may be drawn therefrom upon requisitions of the chairman of the governin board of the Union for the lpurpose of meeting the ex enses of the Union and of carrirying out the orders of said governing {board: And gmwidcd further, at the Public Printer be, ¥°¤*¤l¥ l>¤“·¤¤· and he is hereby, authorized to print an edition of the monthly bulletin not to exceed six thousand copies per month, for distribution by the Union during the fiscal year ending June thirtieth, nineteen hundred and sixteen. 1N·r1anNA·rroNA1. mmnau or rim rnnmaimm comrr or Annrrna- Tron. To meet the share of the United States in the expenses for the mI;*g°¤¤§;°y;_lBu,§ly; calendar ear nineteen hundred and fourteen of the International courier armmseu. Bureau ofy the Permanent Court of Arbitration, created under article v°L 32*** "°°‘ twenty-two of the convention concluded at The Hague, July twenty- ninth, eighteen hundred and ninety-nine, for the pacific settlement of international disputes, $1,250. 91006°—vo1. 38-Pr 1--71