Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 38 Part 1.djvu/175

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156 SIXTY-THIRD CONGRESS. Sus. I. CB. 16. 11913. F¤¤ *·¤~·°¤¤¤¤· 431. Brazilian pebble, unwro t or unmanufactured. °°°' 432. Bristles, crude, not sortglbuncbed, or prepared. 433. Bromin. 434. Broom com. 435. Buckwheat and buckwheat Hour. — _ 436. gullionhgold 631 silver. 437. urgun i . . 438. Burrstonzs? manufactured or boimd up into millstones. 439. Cadmium. _ 440. Calcium, acetate of, brown and gray, and chlonde of, crude; calcium cgrhbide and callgrum mtragoku tl wing _~ _ c•¤a¤•em•n,typ¤· 441. C regis` tcm, ° ot an ypese_ . owwing _

 '°""' machines, typewriters, shoeylhtiachinery, cream separators valued at

’ not exceeding $75, sand·blast machines, sludge machmes,_and tar and oil s reading machines used in the construction and maintenance of roadg and in im ving them by the use of road preservatxvm, all the foregoing whetlizi? imported in whole or in parts, including repair arts. P 442. Castor or castoreum. » 443. Catgut, whip gut; or worm gut, uumanufactured. H!**¤¤¤¢•°¤¤*~ 444. Cement, Roman, Portland, and other hydraulic. 445. Cerium, cerite, or cerium ore. _ _ _ 446. crude, not ground, bolted, precipitated, or otherwise manufac . . 447. Charcoal, blood char, bone char, or bone black, not suitable for use as a pigment. 448. Chromate of iron orchromio ore. _ . 449. Chromium hydroxide of, crude., _ ‘ 450. Common lilue clay and Gross·—Almerode glass·pot clay m cases or casks, suitable for the manufacture of crucibles and glass

me or tank blocks.

¤¤¤L 451. , anthracite, bituminous, culm, slack, and shale; coke; compositions used for fuel in which coal or coal dust is the component material of chief value, whether in briquets or other form. ¤¤•¤¤r.m 452. Coal tar, crude pitch of coal tar, wood or other tar, dead or creosote oil, and plroducts of coal tar known as anthracene and anthracene oil, map thalin, phenol, and cresol. 453. Cobalt an cobalt ore. 454. Cocculus indicus. 455. Cochineal. 456. Cocoa, or cacao, crude, and iber, leaves, and shells of. 457. Coffee. 458. Coins of dgold, silver, copper, or other metal. 459. Coir, an coir yarn. ¤¤m¤•r. 460. Composition metal of which co per is the component material of chief value, not specially provided Ear in this section. 461. Coptper ore; r¥ulus of, and black or coarse copper, and cop er cement; 0 copper, t onlg for remanufacture, copper scale, ellippmgs from new copper, an copper in lates, bars, mgots, or pigs, not manufactured orsssecnally provided ihr in this section. 462. Copperas, or phateo iron. » 463. Coral, marine, uncut, and unmanufactured. 464. Cork wood, or cork bark, unmanufactured, and cork waste, shavings, and cork refuse of all kinds. °°"‘· 465. Corn or maize. 466. Com meal. 467. Cotton, and cotton waste or flocks. 468. Cryolite, or kryolith. 470. stones, or quoits, an cur -stone handles. ‘“’°· $2`..$“‘f£.‘i.?" .1 ` 471. Curry, and curry powder. Img