Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 38 Part 1.djvu/451

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432 SIXTY-THIRD CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 131. 1914. sums azscus. _ BUREAU OF SOHiS. c Ssmnm Btmm Sons: One soil physicist, who shall_be ’°:“ly“°;*glu:{““ hu- chief of bulizau, $4,0150 glue chief clerk, $2,000 ; 1;:6 t§IK6¢11%1V;> c?atsh$$w0d)9hh(;md(eiBk,k?1Tgli·§;fgi‘grhttvdl)uc£,r];¢lla;s one; iizge glerks, at $1 000 eaeh· three clerks, at $900 each; one soil cartographer, $1,800; one soil bizbli pher or draftsman, $1,400; one p otographer, $1,200; five drx-slnen, at $1,200 each; one clerk—draftsman, $1,200; mm“° "‘“““i‘»‘0““‘ “%im,°“° .Ié‘%‘5g“§.;c£?*t$é0‘t’鑧»¤t‘;"€%6 0I' 2 _ each; on; lagier, $300; one charwoman dr laborer, $480; in all, 60 820. ¤¤¤¤n¤¤n¤¤••. S Glrmmnn. pmmxsns, Bpnnav or Sous: For all necesszfry expetpses connected with the mvestigatnons audexperiments herem ter au or- ‘“°"· “"}.w“i‘“gmr?° °“’“*"°"”i°°i2,°€1$Li$‘J§‘;‘i1°"‘?.’$.“a i'§‘iZi‘¥.'idtr”§’°.S§t”g»` ts, , e , c er _ _ _ of Washington and ere; official traveliiag expenses materials, tools, instruments, apparatus, repairs to apparatus, chemicals, furmture, office Extures, stationery, , electric current, telegraph and telephone service,_ express and gigght charges, rent outside of the Distziltgt of Columbia, and for all other necessary supplies and expenses, as fo ws: v¤•¤¤» F h °al` tio ofsoiltypessoilcom itionandsoil °°(;‘h$·g°‘ Bt1lu1;soi1l1;sT¢?§utlt.§•dLn, gslubility of soil_and properties of soils m_ their relation to so formation, soil texture, and soil phrodueiltivity, mcggiggc all routme chemical work nn connection with P¤r¤¤·l *¤*·•¤¤- IP;) hysicall investigiztions of the important properties of soil tml which dietermine productivity, such as moisture relations, aeration, heat conductgvity, and other physical investigations of the ’ il types $15,265; M,S°,“m‘°"”"’ *“"°’“' vaggfmsosil-f¢§rt%1l1§t?)§ ilnlvessggationslinto organic causes of infertility and remedial measures, maintenance of productivity, properties and com ition of soil humus, and the transformation an formation of soil houlnus by soil organisms, $32,700; _ _ N•¢¤nU•r¢¤¤¤¤· For exploration and mvestigation within the United States to deter1;1lii}e possible S0l1l'5¢5T of supply of potash, mtrates, and other n tur ertalh , $36, ; g_<?;1x;•r¤}¢¤v•m¤j.;•:*;_· ;F<g° the investigs;tion of lsloils, in cgopegation with othtertlliraiécghes of ,e Y °° ’ the artment o Agric ture, other e artments o e vompm W ment, State agricultural experiment statidins, and other State institutions, and for indicating upon maps and plats, by coloring or otherwise, the results of such mvestigations, $169,800; m·tg_*;lmf;¤!:¤¤¤¤¤¤ f For the examination and clas;lifit¢iatii‘>_n of agricultural lands in ’ orest reserves in oo eration wi orest Servi , $20,000; p;,§§,;“§’*““°'*“'° °*‘ For generalladuliimlsitrative expense; connected with the abovementioned lines of investigation, $3,200; In aH, for general ex enses, $299,815. Total for Bureau of &ils, $360,635. ,,g§}"°°° °’ E"*°’”°" BUREAU OF ENTOMOLOGY. ¤¤:;la$i§,hi°.é.°‘ °°` Summa, Bvnmu or Emomower: One entomologist, who shall be chief of bureau, $4,500; one chief clerk and executive assistant, $2,250; one iinanc1aI_ clerk, $1,800; three clerks, class four; three clerks, class three; mne clerks, class two; seven clerks, class one; seven clerks, at $1,000 each; two clerks, at $900 each; two entomological draftsmen, at $1,400 each; one entomological draftsman, $1,080; four foremen, at $1,080 each; two entomological preparators, at $840