Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 38 Part 1.djvu/988

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970 SIXTY-THIRD CONGRESS. Sess. III. Ch. 140. 1915. ,°,¤¤¤“>"¤¤ ,°““¤¤ T th t and tr urer of Harrison Masonic Lodg , N - bereld Oiieslicgdglell and tv»?;;ty-two, of Brandenbibrlg, $125. 8 um Todthe trustees of the Methodist Episcopal 1u·ch South, of B BH Hb 1 BrTo llhezllrgusteas of the Methodist Episcopal Church South, of ants '. e $410. $1*:0 th;1 trnistees of the Bapqtist Church of Crab Orchard, $1,050. To Saint Andrews Lodge, umbered Eighteen, Free and Accepted Masons, of Cynthiana, $600. To the trustees of the Christian Church of Danville, $725. To the trustees of the First Baptist Church of Danville, $700. To the trustees of the First Presbyterian Church of Danville, $610. To the trustees of the Methodist Episcopal Church South, of Danvill $520. fd the directors of the Presbyterian Theological Seminary of Kentuck%, at Danville, $1,150. To J. n Planck and P. S. Dudley, trustees of the Baptist Church of Flemingsburg, $775. To the trustees of the Glasgow graded common schools, of Glasgow, successor to the Glasgow Academy, or Urania College, of Glasgow, $1,215. To the trustees of the Baptist Church of HarrodsburgEI$675. To the trustees of the First Presbyterian Church of arrodsburg, $1 100. mgfso the trustees of the Methodist Episcopal Church South, of Harburg, $750. , · To the trustees of the First Presbyterian Church at Lebanon, $1,380. To the rector of Saint Augustine s Roman Catholic Church of Leba- , $405. n0'II`o the trustees of the Methodist Episcopal Church of Louisa, $600. S To the trustees of the Methodist Episcopal Church South, of Mount t r , $460. ldutge trustees of the Presbyterian Church of Mount Sterling, $650. To the treasurer of Salt River Lodgg, Numbered One hundred and eighty, Free Ancient and Accepted asons, of Mount Washington, $120. To the trustees of the Green River Collegiate Institute, successor to the Hart Seminary, of Munsfordville, $525. To the trustees o the Jessamine Female Institute, successor of Bethel Academy, of Nicholasville, $725. To the trustees of the Christian Church of Nicholasville, $940. To the town of Nicholasville, $300. 188Tpu the trustees of the Sulphur Well Christian Church, near Nichov` e, $300. To the trustees of the Baptist Church of Paris, $600. To the trustees of the First Presbyterian Church of Paris, $1,215. To the trustees of the Christian C urch of Perryville, $220. To the trustees of the Ewing Institute, of Perryville, $270. nge the trustees of the Methodist Episcopal Church South, of Perry- ' e, $425. To the session of the Presbyterian Church of Perryville, $325. To the trustees of the Ba tist Church of Princeton, $110. Toi the Madison Female fnstitute, in Madison County, near Rich- $6,500. E? the trustees of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church of Russell- ' , $1,650. 'l?o the trustees of the Baptist Church of Shepherdsville, $150. To the trustees of the Baptist Church of Somerset, $1,500. To the trustees of the Presbyterian Church of Somerset, $550.