Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 46 Part 2.djvu/1038

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2646 UNIVERSAL POSTAL UNION. JWle 28, 1929. Renewal of graph. superieure de Is. photogrs.phie et sur Is. carte, puis reproduit cette empreinte s.u recto de Is. carte, signe celle-ci et Is. remet a l'inM- resse apr~ s.voir recueilli sa signature. photo- 4.~Lorsque Ia 'physionomie du titulaire s'est modifiee au point qU'elle ne reponde plus ala pho- tographie ou au signalement, la Rights reeerved. Warship malls. Establlahment of e:t· change. Details. carte doit ~tre renouvelee. 5. -Chaque pays conserve la faculte de deIi.vrer les cartes d'identiM du service international selon les regles appliquees pour les cartes en usage dans son ser- vice interieur. ARTICLE 75. Dep~hes echangees avec des b!ti- ments de guerre. l. - L'ets.blissement d'un echange, en dep~hes closes, en- tre un Office postal et des divi- sions navales ou bAtiments de guerre de m~me nationa.liM, ou entre une division navale ou b!- timent de ~erre et une autre de m~me natlOnalite, doit ~tre no- tifie, autant que possible a I'a- vance, aux Offices mtennedia.ires. 2. - La suscription de ces de- p~hes est redigee comme suit: I>u bureau de _____________________ _ 1 1a division navale (Da-} tionalite) de (designa- Po tion de la division) a_ (Pays). Ie bAtiment (nationalite) Ie (nom du bAtiment) a ou De la division navale (natiO-} nalite) de (d&3ignation de la. division) a_____ ----- ----- (Pays) Du bAtiment (nationalite) Ie . (nom du bAtiment) 8. _____ _ Pour Ie bureau de __________ _ ou De la division navale (natiQ-} nalite) de (d~signation de la. division) 8._ _ __ ___________ (Pays). Du bAtiment (nationalite) Ie (nom du bAtiment) a_____ _ r ia division navale (na-} tionalite) de (d&3igna- tion de la. division) a_ poul1e bAtiment (nationalit~) (Pays). Ie (nom du bAtiment) a_________________ _ the and on the card, then reproduces that· impression on the front of the card, BlgIl8 the cardt and delivers it to the inter- estea. party after obtaining his signature. 4. When the appearance of the holder becomes modified to such an extent that it no longer agrees with the photograph or descrip- tion, the card must be renewed. 5. Each country reserves the right to issue identity cards for the international service in ac- cordance with the rules applicable to cards used in its domestic sel'Vlce. ARTICLE 75. Mails exchanged with warships 1. Notice must be given, in advance as far as possible, to the intermediate Administrations, of the establishment of an exchange of closed mails between a Postal Administration and naval divi- sions or warships of the same nationality, or between one naval division or warship and another of the same nationality. 2. The address of such dis- patches is worded as follows: From the office of. ___ __ ___ ___ _ 3 0r the (nationality") naval division of (name of the division) at _________ _ (country). For the (nationality) ship (name of the ship) __________ at ____ (country). or From the (nationality) naval division of (name of the division) at _______ _ (country). From the (nationality) ship (name of the ship) at ______________ (country). For the office of. _________ (country). or From the (nationality) naval division of (name of the division) at_______ _ (country). From the (nationality) ahip (name of the ship) at_____________ (country). For the (nationality) naval division of (name of the division) at_________ _ (country). For the (nationality) ship (name of the ship) at____ • _________ (country)' •••