Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 46 Part 2.djvu/608

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2216 INTER-AMERICAN CONCILIATION. JANUARY 5, 1929. del plazo fijado para la misma en Vol. .., pp. 2529, 2534. el Articulo V del Tratado de Santiago de Chile de 3 de Mayo de 1923. Period established (3) Finrumente, sera obligato- for acting. rio para la Comisi6n desarrollar su funci6n conciliatoria dentro del plazo de seis meses a que se Vol .. pp 2530 2534 refiere el Artfculo VII del Tratado . . . . . de Santiago de Chile de 3 de E:rlension allowed. Mayo de 1923. Las Partes en controversia podran, sin embargo, prorrogar este plazo si asi 10 acuerdan y 10 comunican oportunamente a la Comisi6n. ARTfcULO 5 Action of Parties L teC .6 prior to organizing of a presen onvenCl n no cons- CommiBslons of In· tituye obstaculo a que cualquiera quiry. 0 cualesquiera de las Altas Partes Contratantes, conjunta 0 sepa- radamente, por imciativa propia o a requerimiento de una 0 mas de las Partes en controversia, puedan ofrecer sus buenos oficios o BU mediaci6n; pero las Al tas Partes Contratantes convienen en no hacer uso de esos medios de arreg]o pacifico desde el momento en que se constituyala Comisi6n mencionada en e) Articulo 2 hasta ]a firma del acta final a que se Poat, p. 2220. refiere el Articulo 11 de esta Convenci6n. ARTicULO 6 Examinations by La misi6n de la Comisi6n, Commissions to effect 8 settlement. como 6rgano de conciliaci6n, en todos los casos especificados en el Articulo 2 de esta Convenci6n, es la de procurar Ia conciliaci6n de las diferencias sometidas a su examen, esforzandose en ob- tener un arreglo entre las Partes. Flna) report and Cuando la Comisi6n se en- =~~ proposed set· cuentre en el caso previsto en el inciso 30 del Articulo 4 de esta Convenci6n hara un examen concienzudo e imparcial de las cuestiones que sean materia de 180 diferencia, consignara en un informe los resultados de sus labores y propondra a las Partes considered to be favor- able in the course of the investigation and within the period of time fixed therefor in Article V of the Treaty of Santiago de Chile of May 3, 1923. (3) Finally, the Commission shall be bound to carry out its conciliatory func- tion within the period of six months which is re- ferred to in Article VII of the Treaty of Santiago de Chile of May 3, 1923. The Parties to the controversy may, however, extend thi£ time, if they so agree and notify the Commission in due time. ARTICLE 5 The present convention does not preclude the High Contract- ing Parties, or one or more of them, from tendering their good offices or their mediation, jointly or severally, on their own motion or at the request of one or more of the Parties to the controversy; but the High Contracting Parties agree not to make use of those means of pacific settlement from the mon;tent that the Commission described in Article 2 is organized until the final act referred to in Article 11 of this convention is signed. ARTICLE 6 The function of the Commis- sion t • as an organ of conciliation, in all cases specified in Article 2 of this convention, is to procure the conciliation of the differences subject to its examination by endeavoring to effect a settle- ment between the Parties. When the Commission finds itself to be within the case fore- seen in paragraph 3 of Article 4 of this convention, it shall under- take a conscientious and im- partial examination of the ques- tions which are the subject of the controversy, shall set forth in a. report the results of its proceed-