Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 46 Part 2.djvu/864

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2472 IMPORT AND EXPORT PROIDBITIONS November 8.1927. • January 30, 1928, Disputes of legal na- If a dispute of a legal nature ture. arises as to the interpretation or application of the provisions of the present Convention-with the exception of Articles 4, 5 and 6, and of the provisions of the Proto- col relating to these articles-the parties shall, at the request of any of them, refer the matter to the decision of the Permanent Court of International Justice or of an arbitral tribunal selected by them, whether or not there has pre- viously been recourse to the pro- cedure laid down in the first para- graph. Difference of opinion In the event of any differlmce of regarding nature of dis- ., hh dis . pute. opmlOnastow etera ptl. te 18 of a legal nature or not, the ques- tion ehall be referred for decision to the Permanent Court of Inter- nationt,l Justice or to the arbitral tribunal selected by the parties, Suspension of dig. The procedure before the body puted measures. h referred to in the first paragrap above or the opinion given by it will in no case involve the suspen- sion of the measures to which the dispute refers; the same will apply in the event of procee<lings being taken before the Permanent Court of International Justice-unless the Court decides otherwise under Article 41 of its 8tatute-or be- fore the arbitral tribunal selected by the parties. Rights and obliga- Nothing in the presentConven- tions not prejudiced. t' hall b td . lOn s e cons rue as preJu- dicing the rights and obligations derived by the High Contracting Parties from the engagements into which they have entered with reference to the jurisdiction of the Permanent Court of International Justice, or from any bilateral con- ciliation or arbitration conven- tions between them. Article 9. Disputes concerning Any High Contracting Party interpretation, etc., of 'th if. h provisions herein. may,el eruponratymgte present Convention or thereafter, declare that he undertakes, in 8i un difl'erend quelconque d'or- dre juridique surgit au sujet de l'interpretation ou de l'applica- tion des dispositions de la presente Convention-a l'exception des dispositions des articles 4, 5 et 6 sinsi que des dispositions du Pro- tocole relative audit article-Ies parties devront, A la requ~te de l'une d'elles, soumettre l'objet du litige a la decision de la Cour per- manente de Justice internationale, ou d'un tribunal arbitral de leur choix, qu'elles aient ou non pre- alablement recouru a la procedure prevue Al'alinea premier. En cas de contestation sur Ie point de savoir si un differcnd est d'ordre juridique ou non, cette question sera soumise Ala decision de la Cour permanente de Justice internationale ou du tribunal ar- bitral choisi par les parties. La procedure ouverte devant l'organisme vise a l'alinea premier ci-dessus ou l'avis formule par lui n'entrahlera en aucun cas la sus- pension de la mesure qui fait l'objet du litige; il en sera de m~me dans Ie cas d'une instance devant la Cour permanente de Justice internationale-A moins que celle-ci n'en decide autrement aux termes de l'article 41 de son 8tatut-ou devant Ie tribunal ar- bitral choisi par les parties. Rien dans la presente Conven- tion ne pourra ~tre interprete comme portant atteinte aux droits et obligations resultant pour les Hautes Parties contractantes, soit de leurs engagements relatifs Ala juridiction de la Cour permanente de Justice internationale, soit de leurs coventions bilaterales con- cernant la conciliation et l'arbi- trage. Artick 9. Chacune des Hautee Parties contractantes pourra, soit lors de la ratification de 18. presente Con- vention, soit ulMrieurement, de-