Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 47 Part 2.djvu/1144

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2784 CERTIFICATES OF AIRWORTHINESS-GERMANY. Ich wire Euerer Exzellenz fiir eine Mitteilung dankbar, ob der Wortlaut der Vereinbarung_ in der obigen Form die Zustimmung Ihrer ~e~ findet. Bejahendenfalls darf ich das Einver- stindnis aamit voraussetzen, dass die Vereinbarung mit dem 1. Juni 1932 in Kraft gesetzt wird. Gem benutze ich diesen Anlass, um Ihnen, Herr Botschafter, die Versicherung meiner ausgezeichnetsten Hochachtung zu emeuem. VON Bti"LOW SEINER EXZELLENZ DEM BOTSCHAFTER DER VEREINIGTEN STAATEN VON AMERIKA HERRN SACKETT FOREIGN OFFICE II F 1049 MR. AMBASSADOR: [Translation] BERLIN, May 27, 1932. I have the honor to communicate to Your Excellency herewith the text of the arrangement between Germany and the United States of America governing the acceptance by the one country of certificates of airworthiness for aircraft imported from the other country as merchandise, as it was arrived at in the negotiations between the Embassy of the United States of America and the Foreign Office. It reads: ~ment between Germany and the United States of America Providing for the Acceptance by the One Country of Certifi- cates of Airworthiness for Aircraft Imported from the Other Country as Merchandise . . [Here follows the German text of the arrangement, articles 1 to 4, inclusive, which is ~:d;uivalent of the English text communicated by the American Amb orin his note of May 27, 1932, anl6, p&ge 160.] I would be grateful if Your Excellency would inform me whether the text of the arrangement in the above form meets with the approval of your Government. If so, I venture to assume concurrence that the arrangement shall go into e1fect on June 1, 1932. I avail myself of this opportunity to renew to you, Mr. Ambassador, the assurance of my highest consideration. VON BttLOW HIS EXCELLENCY THE AMBASSADOR OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. MR. SACKE'rl' The German U1Uler Secretary oj State jor Foreign Affairs (von Bulow) to the American Ambassador (Sackett) AUSWARTIGES AMT IIF1269,I BERLIN, den 30. Mai 1932. HERR BOTSCHAFTERI Ich habe die Ehre, Euerer Exzellenz den Empfang der beiden Schreiben vom 27.d.M .- Nr. 797 und 798-zu bestitigen und mit- zuteilen, dass der darin wiedergegebene Wortlaut der Vereinbarun~en zwischen Deutschland und den Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika. liber den Luftverkehr und liber die gegenseitige Anerkennung von