Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 48 Part 1.djvu/1363

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xlvi Farm Credit Act of 1933-Continuect. M iscellaneolls-Contin ued. Separability of provisions _________ - Amendments _________________ - - -- Amendments- Loans to farmers for home repairs, improvements, etc _____ - __ -- - -- Members of Congress, participation !n contracts and agreements ___ _ Oyster planters, loans to, bv produc- tion credit associations, autho- rized _______________________ _ Production Credit Ass 0 cia tio n s, powers of- Grant of general power to _______ _ Insurance under National Housing Act ______________________ _ Loans to farmers; discounting of __ _ Revolving fund, notes, etc., evi- dencing loans and security there- for, transferred to Governor ____ _ Excess amount of balances, etc., transferred to, made available to establish new fund _______ _ Allocations for subscriptions of intermediate credit banks stock, etc., authorized there- from __________________ - - -- Unlawful acts and penalties, false representation to intermediate credit bank or Federal Farm Mortgage Corporation ________ _ Farm Credit Administration. See also Farm Credit Act of 1933; Federal Farm Mortgage Corporation Act. Appropriation for- Crop production and harvesting loans,1934 __________________ _ Salaries and expenses _____________ _ Deficiency appropriation for- Administrative expenses _ ____ ____ _ Revolving fund, additional amount _ Allocation of appropriation for, author- ized __________________________ _ Assessments for examination of corpo- rations, etc., regulated by _______ -- Commissioners of; number, appoint- ment, salaries __________________ _ Crop production loans- Authorized; amount for livestock fced in drought areas; security; inter- estrate;collection___---------- First lien on 1934 crop as security for_ Individual loans, amount; con- ditions; declarations _______ - - _ Personnel, appointment oL _______ _ Sum authorized; use ___________ - _-_ Unlawful acts· penalty provisions ___ _ Federal Farm Board appropriation available _____________________ -- INDEX. Page. 273 273 1263 1264 983 1263 1263 1263 348 348 348 347 402 4\)9 276 276 210 500 273 354 354 354 355 355 355 289 Farm Credit Administration-Continued. Page. Governor of, authority to perfcd or- ganization _ _ _ __________________ 51 Membership on board of Federal Farm Mortgage Corporation ____ 344 Seal oL ____________________________ 273 Farm Debts. See Federal Farm Mort- gage Corporation Act. Farmers: Appropriation for- Cooperative demonstration work ____ 472 Crop and livestock estimates ________ 493 Farm forestry, cooperative_ _ _ ______ 473 Farm management investigations____ 492 Marketing and distribution informa- tion _______________________ 492, 493 Bankruptcy. See Bankruptcy Act of 1898, Amendments. Crop production loans. See Farm Credit Administration. Loans by Reconstruction Finance Cor- poration to cooperative mineral rights pools_ _ __________________ 1112 Mortgages, refinancing. See Emergency Farm Mortgage Act, 1933. Farm Loan Associations. See Emergency Farm Mortgage Act, 1933. Farm Loan Commissioner. See also Fed- eral Farm LORn Act, Amendments; Emergency Farm Mortgage Act. To be known as Land Bank Commis- sioner ________________________ _ Farm Mortgage Act. See Emergency Farm Mortgage Act. Farm Mortgage Corporation. See Fed- eral Farm Mortgage Corporation. Farm Placement Service. See National Cooperative Employment Servicc. Farris Engineering Company, bridge au- thorized across Monongahela River at California, Pa., by _____________ _ Fayerweather Island, CORn., conveyancc authorized ______________________ _ Fechet, James E., acceptunce of foreign decoration ______________________ _ Federal Advisory Council. Sec r\atioDal Cooperative Employment Sen·icc. Federal-Aid Highway System: Emergency construction, r\a tional I n- dllstrial Recovery Act __________ _ Apportionment of funds amoll~ States_ Limitations of Federal Highway Act not applicable _________________ _ Provisions of contmcts inyoh-in~ ex- penditure of funds _____________ _ Rights of way O\-er Federal pwperty, agreements for _________________ _ Seeolldary roads, maintenance, etc ___ _ "State" and "highway" construed ___ _ 273 150 665 1267 203 203


