Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 2.djvu/1543

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MILITARY MISSION-BRAZIL. ARTICLE 22. 'Vhen it is neces- sary for the official service, there shall be placed at the disposal of the members of the Mission an automobile with chauffeur, or a properly manned and equipped vessel. ARTICLE 23. Suitable offices and equipment shall be provided for the members of the Mission. ARTICLE 24. Every member of the Mission shall have as an assistant instructor a Brazilian officer of the artillery arm. ARTICLE 25. If cancellation of this contract be effected on the re- quest of the United States of America, all expenses of the return of the Mission and the families and all effects thereof to the United States of America shall be borne by that Government. Tn case, however, the cancellation should be effected on the initia- tive of the Brazilian Government, or as the result of war between Brazil and a foreign power, the Brazilian Government shall bear all the costs of the return to the United States of America of the Mission and the families and all effects thereof, in accordance with the provisions of Articles 13 and 16, and ill addition thereto, the Brazilian Government shall pay to each officer an amount equivalent to three months' compcnsation- from the date of his arrival in N cw York proceeding by usually trav- eled sen route. TITLE V ARTIGO 22. Quando for neces- sario para 0 servi~o oficial, sera posta a disposi~ao dos mt>mbros da Missao urn autom6vel com motorista ou uma embarca~ao convenientementc equipada. ARTIGO 23. Deverao ser postos a disposi9ao dos membros da Missao escrit6rios e material ade- quados. ARTIGO 24. Cada membro da Missao tera como auxiliar de ensino urn oficial brasileiro, da arma de artilharia. ARTIGO 25. Se este contrato for rescindido a pedido dos Estados Unidos da America, todas as despesas com a volta da Missao e suas familias e todos os seus objetos aos Estados Unidos da America serao feitas por ~sse Governo. Se, porem, 0 for por iniciativa do Govemo Brasileiro, ou em conseqUencia de guerrn entre 0 Brasil e uma poMncia estrangeira, 0 Governo Brasileiro pagara todas as despesas para 0 regresso aos Estados Unidos da America da Missilo, resJ)('ctivas fammas e ohjetos, de ac~rdo com as estjpula~()('s dos artigos 13 e 16, dev('ndo, outrossim, 0 Gover- no Brasileiro pagar a cada ofieial uma quantia equivalente a tres meses de vencirnentos, u partir du data da sua chegadn a Novn- York, havcndo viajado pela via maritirnn. usual. TITlJLO Y RECALL AND REPLACEMENT MEMBERS OF THE MISSION OF RETIRADA E SUBSTITUi'~AO DOS ME}fBROS DA llISSAO ARTICLE 26. The United States ARTIGO 26. Os Estados Unidos of America may, if the public da America poderito, se 0 inte- interest so requires, recall, at any resse publico 0 exigir, retirar, em 3549