Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 2.djvu/1752

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3758 RECIPROCAL TRADE-SWEDEN. MAY 25,1935. Rations or quotas. tam any restriction on imports from the territory of the other country which is not applied to the importation of any like arti- cle originating in any third coun- try. Any abolition of an import prohibition or restriction which may be granted even tempo- rarily by either country in favor of an article of a third country shall be applied immediately and unconditionally to the like article originating in the territory of the other country. These provisions equally apply to exports. In the event of rations or quotas being established by either the United States of America or Sweden for the importation of any article it is agreed that in the allocation of the quantity of restricted goods which may be authorized for importation, the other country will be granted a share equivalent to the propor- tion of the trade which it wollld normally enjoy. In all matters concerning the rules, formalities or charges im- posed in connection with any form of quantitative restriction on the importation of any article, the United States of America and Sweden agree to extend to each other every favor granted to a third country. ARTICLE III Enum.era~ Amerl. Articles the ftowth produce or can articles unported , by Sweden. manufacture 0 the Umted States PoIt, ~. 3768. of America enumerated and de- scribed in Schedule I annexed to this Areement and made a part thereo , shall, on their importa- tion into Sweden, be exempt from ordinary customs duties in excess of those set forth in the said Schedule. The said articles shall also bo exempt from all other duties, taxes, fees, cha~es or exactions, imposed on or m con- nection with importation, in ex- cess of those imposed on the day of the signature of this Agreement or requu:ed to be imposed there- nAgon inskrankning med avseende a inforseln fran det andra landets omrade, som icke tillla~pas be- traffande inforseln av likartade varor, harrorande fran vilket 80m heIst tredje land. Varje upphii- vande av forbud eller inskriink- ning med avseende A inforseln, som ma komma att, aven tem- p.orart, medgivas av endera landet till forman for en vara fran nagot tredje land, skall omedelbart och ovillkorligt tillampas pa likartad vara, harrorande fran det andra landets omrade. Dessa bestam- melser skola jamval tilliimpas med avseende a utforseln' Darest Amerikas Forenta. Stater eller Sveri~e infor rnn- sonering eller kontmgentering av infOrselrr av nagon vara, ar det overem~kommet, att vid fordel- ning av de kvantiteter av import- reglerade varor, som ma tillMas till inforsel, det andra landet skaU tillerkiinnas en andel, mots- varande den proportion, vari det normaIt plagar deitaga i handein. I alIt vad angar de reg]er, formaliteter eller paIagor, som rnA tilhimpas i samband med kvantitativ inskrankning i nagon form betratTande inforseln av viss vara, overenskomma Amerikas Forenta Stater och Sverige att lata varandra. komma i Atnju- tande av varje forman, som bevil- jas ett tredje land. ARTIKEL III Varor, alstrade, frambringade eller tillverkade i Amerikas Fo- renta Stater samt upptagna i bilaga I, fogad till denna overen- skommelse och utgorande intc- grerande del darav, skola vid mforsel till Sverige vara befriade fran ordinarie tullar utover i namnda bilaga angivna belopp. Sagda varor 8k01a aven vara befriade fran alIa andra tullar, skatter, avgifter, umgalder eller paIagor, som up~baras vid eller 1 samba.nd med mforsel, utover dem, pom A dagen for underteck- nandet av denno. overenskom- melse aro Asatta eller vilkas