Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 2.djvu/1753

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RECIPROCAL TRADE-SWEDEN. MAY 25,1935. 3759 after under laws of Sweden in force on the day of the signature of this Agreement. ARTICLE IV Articles the growth, produce or manufacture of Sweden enumerat- ed and described in Schedule II annexed to this Agreement and made a part thereof, shall, on their importation into the United States of America, be exempt from ordinary customs duties in excess of those set forth in the said Schedule. . The said articles shall also be exempt from all other duties, taxes, fees, charges, or exactions, imposed on or in con- nection with importation, in ex- cess of those imposed on the day of the signature of this Agreement or required to be imposed there- after under laws of the United States of America in force on the day of the signature of this Agreement. ARTICLE V In respect of articles the growth, produce or manufacture of the United States of America or Sweden, enumerated and de- scribed in Schedules I and II, respectively, imported into the other country, on which ad va- lorem rates of duty, or duties based upon or regulated in any manner by value, are or may be assessed, it is understood and a~eed that the bases and meth- oas of determining dutiable value and of converting currencies shall be no less favorable to importers than the bases and methods pre- scribed under presently existing laws and regulations of Sweden and the United States of America, respectively. ARTICLE VI Articles the growth, produce or manufacture of the Umted States of America or Sweden, shall, after importation into the other coun- try, be exempt from all internal asattande pMordras enligt i Sve- rige Adagen for undertecknandet a v denna overenskommelse i kraft varande lagar oeh forordningar. ARTIKEL IV Varor, alstrade, frambringade Specified Imports 11 t'll kd.S' t from Sweden. eer 1verae1 vengesam P03t,p.3774. upptagna i bilaga II, fogad till denna overenskommelse och utgo- rande integrerande del darav, skola vid inforsel till Amerikas Forenta Stater vara befriade frA.n ordinarie tullar utover i namnda bilaga angivna belopp. Sagda varor skola aven vara befriade fr§.n 0 .110. andra tullar, skatter, avgifter, umgalder eller palagor, som uppbaras vid eller i samband med infOrsel, utover dem, som A dagen for undertecknandet av denna overenskommeise aro Asat- to. eller vilkas asattande pAfordras enligt i Amerikas Forenta Stater A dagen for undertecknandet av denna overenskommelse i kraft varande Iagar och forordningar. ARTIKEL V Betraffande varor aistrade Determining duti· • .' l ahle value and con- frambnngade eller tillverkade 1 veTting currencies. Amerikas Forenta Stater eller Sverige samt upptagna i bilagorna I respektive II, vilka inforas till det andra Iandet och vilka aro eller rnA. bliva underkastade var- detullar eller tullar, baserade A eller pA nAgot satt bestamda. genom varans yarde, ar forutsatt och overenskommet, att grunder- no. och metoderna for bestam- mande av det tullpliktiga vardet samt for omrakning av valutor icke skola vara mindre gynnsam- rna for importorerna an de grun- der och metoder, som aro fore- skrivna. i de for narvarande i Sverige respektive Amerikas FO- renta Stater gallande Ingar och forordningar. ARTIKEL VI Varor, alstrade, frambringade .Internal tal e3:emp- eller tillverkade i Amerikas Fo- tlOD:'. renta Stater eller Sverige, skola efter inforsel till det andra landet vara befriade frAn alIa andra eller