Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 2.djvu/1758

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3764 RECIPROCAL TRADE-S'VEDI~N. MAY 2;;, 1935. Gold and silver trade. Nothing in this Agreement shall bo construed to prevent the adoption of measures prohibiting or restricting the exportation or Wur munitivlls ('on' importation of gold or silver, or tro!. to prevent the adoption of such measures as either Government may see fit with respect to the control of the export or sale for export of arms, munitions, or implements of war, and, in excep- tional circumstances, all other military supplies. Subject to the requirement that there shall be no arbitrary dis- crimination by either country against the other country in favor of any third country where similar conditions prevail, the provisions of this Agreement shall not ex- tend to prohibitions or restric- tions 1/ relating to public secur- ity; 2/ imposed on moral or hu- manitarian grounds; 3/ designed to protect hu- man, animal or plant life or health; 4/ relating to prisonmade goods; 5/ relating to the enforce- ment of police or reve- nue laws. ARTICLE XIII cu~r~vi~,~nsI~l~itli~~i~i~. ExhcePt as dotherwise hProfvidhie.d Islands, etc. mteseconparagrap 0ts Article, the provisions of this Agreement relating to the treat- ment to be accorded by the United States of America and Sweden, respectively, to the com- merce of the other country, shall not apply to the Philippine Is- lands, the Virgin Islands, Ameri- can Samoa, the Island of Guam or to the Panama Canal Zone. Preferential treat· The provisions of this Agree- ment extended to ler· • ritories, etc. , of each ment regardmg most-favored-na - other. tion treatment shall apply to articles the growth, produce or manufacture of any territory Ingen bestammelse i denna overenskommelse skall kunna tol- kas pa sadant siUt att den utgor hinder vare sig mot vidtagande av atgurder avseende forbud eller inskranknin~ betraffande utforsel eller inforsel av guld eller silver eller mot vidtagando av litgarder, som nagondera regeringen mIl. finna lampliga betraffande kon- troll over utforsel eller forsaljning i exportsyfte av vapen, ammuni- tion eller krigsredskapsamt, under exceptionella omstandigheter, alla andra militara fornodenheter. Under iakttagande av att in- tetdera landct Illa vidtaga god- tyckligt diskriminerande atgarder geD temot det andra landetiforhal- lande till ett tredje land, Yarest likartade forhillanden dda, skola bestiimmelserna i denna overen- skommelse icke galla betraffande fOrbud eller inskrlinkningar 1/ avseende allmiln sakerhet; 2/ inforda av moraliska eller humanitara skal; 3/ avsedda utt skydda man- niskors, djurs eller vax- ters livelIer halsa; 4/ betraffande varor fram- sti.illda av Ungar; samt 5/ avsedda ntt bringa politi- eller statsinkomstfor- futtningar i verkstallig- het. ARTIKEL XIII

Med undantag for i nndra

stycket av denna urtikel upptagna avvikande stad~unden, skola be- stammelserna 1 denna overen- skommelse angaende den be- handling, som av AmerikasForen- ta Stater respektive Sverige skall tillerkannas det andra landets handel, icke vara tillampliga be- traffande Filippinerna, Virginska oarna, amerikanska Samoaoarna, on Guam eller Panamakanal- zonen. Be3tammelserna i denna over- enskommelse angaende mest gyn- nad nationsbehandling skola aga tillampning a varor, alstrade, frambringade eller tillverkade