Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 2.djvu/1806

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3812 RECIPROCAL 'fRADE-BRAZIL. Exoeptions. 2. The provisions of the first paragraph of this Article shall not apply to any quantitative restric- tion imposed by the United States of America or the United States of Brazil on the importation or sale of any article the growth, produce or manufacture of the other country in conjunction with governmental measures operating to regulate or control the produc- tion, market supply, or prices of Provisns. like domestic articles: Provided, Notice of chan.ges. That before any quantitative restriction on importation under the foregoing provisions of this paragraph is established, or hav- ing been established, is materially changed, the Government of the country which proposes to estab- lish or materially change such restriction shall give notice there- of in writing to the other Govern- ment and shall accord the latter Government thirty days from the receipt of such notice to examine such proposed restriction or Action upon dis- change; and Provided further, agreement. That in the event such other Government objects to such pro- posed restriction or change, and if an agreement is not reached by the end of the thirtieth day following receipt of the notice of the intention to establish or change such restriction, the Gov- ernment which proposes to take such action shall be free to do so Right to abrogate. at any time thereafter, and the other Government shall be free within fifteen days after the imposition of such restriction or change to terminate this Agree- ment on thirty days' notice. PrinciplcR of Agree- ment. 3. The present Agreement be- ing based on the principle of un- conditional most-favored-nation treatment,' the United States of America and the United States of Brazil agree that, if either Gov- ernment· should establish or main- tain any form of quantitative re- striction or control of the impor- tation of any article or of the sale of any imported art.icle the growth, produce or manufacture 2. As disposi~oes do paragrapho no. 1 deste artigo nao terao applica~9.0 a nenhuma restric~ao quantitativa imposta pelos Es- tados Unidos do Brasil ou pelos Estados Unidos da America a importa~ao ou venda de qualquer artigo cultivado, produzido ou fabric ado no outro paiz, em con- formidade com medidas adminis- trativas destinad as a regulamen- tar a produc~ao, abastecimento dos mercados ou pre~os de artig08 nacionaes semelhantes; convindo- se, entretanto, em que, antes de se estabelecer qualquer restric9ao quantitad'ta de importa~8.o, de accordo com as precedentes dis- posi~oes .. deste paragrapho, ou, estabelecida a restric~ao, antes de ser ella substancialmente alte- rada, 0 governo do paiz que de- sejar estabelecer ou modificar de maneira substancial a referida restric~ao deverS. notifica-Io ao outro ~overno, facultando-lhe trinta dias, contados da data do recebimento .da. notifica~ao, para examinar a restric~ao ou modifi- ca~ao proposta; convindo-se tam- bern em que, se 0 outro governo nao concordar com a rcstric~ao ou modifica~ao proposta, e, caso nao se chegue a accordo, decorrido o prazo de trinta dias ap6s 0 recebimento da nota em que se der a conhecer a inten98.0 de estabelecer ou modificar a referida restric~ao, 0 governo que pre- tender tomar essa medida podera faz~-lo em qualquer tempo depois desse prazo, podendo 0 outro governo, dentro de quinze dias depois da adop~ao da referida restric~ao ou modifica~ao, de- nunciar este tratado mediante notifica9ao de trinta dias. 3. Baseando-se 0 presente tra- tado no principio do tratamento incondicional da naQao mais fa- vorecida, os Estados Unidos do Brasil e os Estados Unidos da America convem. em que, se urn ou 0 outro governo estabelccer ou mantiver qualquer forma de rcs- tric9ao quantitativa ou de regu- lamenta93,0 da importaQao de qualquer artigo, ou da venda de qualquer artigo importado, que