Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 2.djvu/447

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TELEco~nIU~ICATION CONVENTION. DECEMBER 9, 1932. 2463 ALLOCATIO:-' OF FREQUENCY BANDS BETWEEN 10 AND 60,000 KC (30,000 AND 5 M)-Continued I I SERVICES - I Frequencies L Wave· I~egional agreements I lengths General allocation I \ !kc m Eur<ipean region Other regions I 460-485 652-619 I Mobile Al and A2 only I 1------

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1 485-515 619-583 Mobile (distress, calling. etc.) I (7) I 1- -:-::~~:- --- ------ --.

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583-545 Services not open to public correspondence, (8) A1and A2only



-_ ... - ._--- - --- - ~ ---. I 550-1, 500 545-200 (a) Broadcasting (P) I(b) Waveof1,364kc(220m) AI.A2.and B for mobile services exclusively (10) I --_. _- -- i I (82) 7 The wavo of WO kc (eel ill) is the internatloDal calling and distress wave. The use of t11i~ wave Is defined in artic\('s 19, ~2, end 30. [il) 8 The European administrations shallarranl!e among theDJS(·lves to place In the band li40 to MO ko (55G to 545 m) broadcasting stations which, by resson of their geographical position, will Interfere neither with mobile services In the l)and 485 to lilli kc (619 to 583 m), nor with services not open to public corre· spondence In tho band 616 to 550 kc (583 to 545 m). [6') Furthermore, services not open to public correspondence shall organizo In such a way as not to lTltcrfere with the reception of broadCllsting stations thus chosen within the limits of the national terri· tories o! these stations. [f'l g Mobile Ecrviccs may use the hand 550 to 1.300 kc (545 to 230.8 m) on condition that they do not Inter· fere with the services of a country which uses this same band exclUSively for broadcasting. [..) 10 On the frequency of 1,3fA kc (220 m), type B waves shall be forbidden between 18:00 and 23:00 o'clock, local time, In all the regions where their use might interiere with uroadcaninr,. However. In the region of North America, type·AI waves only shall be authorized during these hours. Tables-Continued.