Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 2.djvu/489

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TELECOMMUNICATION CONVENTION. DECEMBER 9, 1932. 2505 (c) in some cases, the indications mentioned in subpara- graph (4); (d) the letter K, if the station called is ready to receive the traffic of the calling station; (e) in certain cases, if it is useful, the regulatory abbrevia. - tion and the figure indicating the strength of the signals received. (See appendix 10.) [:leD] B. If the station has no preliminary understanding, or if it must choose the wave to be used for the traffic, it shall transmit: (a) the reply to the call; (b) the regulatory abbreviation indicating the frequency and/or the type of wave requested;* (c) in some cases, the indications mentioned in subpara- graph (4). [270] When an agreement is reached on the wave which the calling station must use for its traffic, the station called shall transmit the letter K after the indications contained in its reply. [271] (4) Reply to the request Jor transmission by series [272] The station called, replying to a. calling station which has asked to transmit its telegrams in series [§ 4 (4)], shall indicate, by means of the regulatory abbreviation, whether it refuses or accepts and, in the latter case, if need be, shall specify the number of radio- telegrams which it is ready to receive in one series. i273] (5) Difficulties in reception [2H] (a) If the station called is prevented from reCelvmg, it shall reply to the call as indicated in subparagraph (3) above, but it shall replace the letter K by the signal- - - - - (wait), followed by a number indicating in minutes the probable duration of the wait. If this probable duration exceeds 10 minutes, (5 minutes in the aeronautical mobile service), a reason must be given therefor. [276] (b) When a station receives a call without being certain that this call is intended for it, it must not reply before the call has been repeated and understood. When, on the other hand, 0. station receives 0. call which is intended for it, but is doubtful about the call signal of the calling station, it must reply immediately, using the regu- latory abbreviation instead of the call signal of the latter station. [27G] § 6. ROUTING OF TRAFFIC [277] (1) Traffic wave P08t, p. 2633. [278] ~ (a) Each station of the mobile service shall transmit its RoutingoftrBffic. traffic by using, in principle, one of its working-waves, as they are indicated in the nomenclature for the band in which the call was made. • In the case where the choice of the wave to be used for the traffic falls to the station called, and if, in exceptional cases, the latter station does not give the corresponding indication, the traffic shall take place on the wave used for the call.