Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 2.djvu/734

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2750 UNIVERSAL POSTAL CONVENTION. MARCH 20, 1934. Arhitration or dis· putes. lIy fIl{'lIIhers. ARTICLE 11 Arbitrages. I. -En cas de dissentiment entre deux ou plusieurs membres de l'Union relativement it l'inter- prctation de la Convention et des Arrangements ou de la rcsponsa- bilite derivant, pour une Admi- nistration, de I'application de cos Actes, la question cn litigc est regIee par jugement arbitral. A cct efret, chacune des Adminis- trations en cause choisit un autre membre de l'Union qui n'est pas dire~tement interesse dans l'af- faire. By Interor,tional Bu· Au cas oit I'une des Adminis- re:l!I on default. Decision. Tie vote, etc. trations en desaccord ne donne pas suite a une proposition d'arLi- trage dans Ie delai de six mois, ou de neuf mois pour les Pays cloignes, Ie Bureau international, si la demande lui en est faite, provoque it son tour la desi~na­ tion d'un arbitre par l'Admmis- tration dCfaillante ou en designe un lui-meme, d'office. 2.- La decision des arbitres est dO!lnee it la majorite absoluc df'S VOIX. 3. -En cas de partage des voix, les arbitres choisissent, pour trancher Ie differend, une autre Administration egalement desin- teressee dans Ie litige. A defaut d'une entente sur Ie choix, cette Administration est designee par Ie Bureau interna- tional parmi les membres de I'Union non proposes par los arbitres. Qualification or arbl· 4 .- S'il s'agit d'un differend trators. tl'dA Withdrawals, etc. concernan un es nange- monts, les arbitres ne peuvent etre desi~nes en dehors des Ad- ministratIOns qui executent cet Arrangement. AR'l'ICLI<; 12 Sortie de l' Union. Cessation de participation aux Arrangements. Chaque Partie contractante a la faculte de se retirer de I'Union ou de cesser sa participation aux Arrangements moyennant aver- AU'l 'ICLE 11 1. In case of d.isagreement be- tween two or more members of the Union as to the interpretation of the Convention and Agree- ments, or as to the responsibility imposed upon an Administration by the application of those Acta, the question in dispute is settled by arbitration. To tliut end, each of the Administrations con- cerned chooses another member of the Union which is not directly interested in the matter. If one of the Administrations involved in the dispute does not take any action on a proposal for arbitration within a period of six months, or nine months in the case of distant countries, the International Bureau, if a request is maae of it to that effect, calls upon the defaulting Administra- tion to appoint an arbitrator, or appoints one itself officially. 2. The decision of tho arbitra- tors is made on an absolute ma- jority of votes. 3. In case of a tie vote, the arbitrators, for the purpose of settling the difference, choose another Administration which likewise has no interest in the dispute. In case of disagreement as to a choice, that Administration is designated by the International Bureau from among the members of the Union not proposed by the arbitrators. 4.Ifitisaquestionof adis- pute concerning one of the Agree- ments, only such Administrations as execute that Agreement may be designated as arbitrators. AUTICLE 12 lVithdrau'uljrom the Union. Ter- mination oj participation in the Agreements Any contracting party has the option of withdrawing from the Union or of ceasing to participate in the Agreements by notice given