Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 50 Part 1.djvu/586

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561 (e) To make recommendations to the Surgeon General with respect omdministrative rec- to carrying out the provisions of this Act . SEC . 5. In carrying out the provision s of section 2 the Surgeon General is authorized- (a) With the approval of the Secretary of the Treasury, to pur- w,P urcha eofradium chase radium, from time to time, without regard to section 3709 of R.s.°3709. the Revised Statutes ; to make such radium available for use in vaailabilliit °5 . carrying out the purposes of this Act ; and, for such consideration Use of, for study, etc . and subject to such conditions as the Secretary of the Treasury shall prescribe, to lend such radium to institutions, now existing or here- after established in the United States for the study of the cause, prevention, or methods of diagnosis or treatment of cancer, or for the treatmen t of cancer ; (b) To provide the necessaryy facilities where training and instruc-

Providi ng faci lities tion may be given in all technical matters relating to diagnosis and for instruction . treatment of cancer to such persons as in the opinion of the Surgeon General have proper technical training and shall be designated by him for such training or instruction ; such persons while receiving Allow ance per- g

ins tructi on ;


b mittedwhile receiving training or instruction may, with the approval of the Surgeon Gen- trainin g , etc . eral, receive a per-diem allowance to be fixed by the Surgeon General but not to exceed $10 ; (c) To e stab lish and mai ntai n, w ith the appr oval of the Secr etar y she earch fellow- of the Treasury, research fellowships in the Institute with such sti- pends or allowances (including traveling and subsistence expenses) as the Surgeon General may deem necessary to procure the assistance of the most brilliant and promising research fellows from the United States or abroad ; (d) To se cure for the I nstitute from time to time and for such Exper ts, co nsult- s periods as may be advisable, the assistance and advice of experts, ants, etc scholars, and consultants from the United States or abroad who are learned a nd experienced in the probl ems involved in accomplishi ng the purposes of this Act ; (e) To make grants in aid for research projects certified b - the

Grants in aid for re- Council pursuant to section 4 (c) ; and

search projects . f To adopt, u on recommendation of the Council and with the Adoption of addi- tional means of ad- approval of the Secretary of the Treasury, such additional means m inistration . a s the Sur geon General may deem neces sary or appro priate to carr y out the provisions of sections 1 and 2 of this Act . SEC . 6. The Secretary of the Treasury is authorized to accept on Unc ond iti ona l gir t accept able, f or stu dy, behalf of the United St ates gifts ma de unconditio nally by will or etc p otherwise for study, investigation, or research into the cause, preven- tion, and methods of diagnosis and treatment of cancer, or for the acquisition of grounds or for the erection, equipment, and mainte- nance of premises, buildings and equipment for the Institute . Con-

Conditional ; money to be held in trusts, ditional gifts may be a ccepted by th e Secretary i f recommended by eL Investments. the Surgeon General and the Council . Any such gifts, if in money, shall be held in trusts and shall be invested by the Secretary of the Treasur y in securiti es of the Unit ed States, an d the principa l or income th ereof shall be expended by the Surgeon G eneral, with t he approval of the Secretary of the Treasury, for the purposes pre- scribed b y this Act, su bject to the same examinat ion and audit as provided for appropriat ions made for the Public H ealth Service by Congress . Donations of $500,000 or over in aid of research under or 'tee m allsttodonors this Act shall be acknowledged permanently by the establishment within the Institute of suitable memorials to the donors . SEC. 7. (a) There is hereby authorized to be appropriated a suln building and facilities . df not to exceed $750,000 for the erection and equipment of a suitable and adequate building and facilities for the use of the Institute in i2G15l -- .,7--3b