Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 50 Part 2.djvu/764

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INTERNATIONAL AGREEMENTS OTHER THAN TREATIES tral que sirve como 6rgano de relaci6n, informaci6n y consulta de los paises de la Uni6n. Duties, etc. , desig- 2 . Esta Oficina se encargara: nated. a) De reunir, coordinar, publi- car y distribuir los datos de toda clase que interesen especialmente al servicio postal americoespafiol; b) De emitir, a petici6n ex- presa de las partes interesadas, su opini6n sobre cuestiones litigiosas; c) De emitir, por propia inicia- tiva o a petici6n de cualquiera de las Administraciones de los paises signatarios, su opini6n en todos los asuntos de orden postal que afec- ten o tengan relaci6n con los intereses generales de la Uni6n Postal de las Americas y Espafia; d) De dar a conocer las solici- tudes de modificaciones de las Actas del Congreso que puedan formularse y de notificar los cam- bios que fueren adoptados; e) De informar los resultados que se obtengan de las disposi- ciones y medidas reglamentarias de importancia que las Adminis- traciones adopten en su servicio interno y que le sean comunicadas por las mismas, a titulo informa- tivo; f) De la distribuci6n de los Mapas y Guias postales que le remitan las respectivas Adminis- traciones, asi como de recopilar los datos necesarios, para formar y distribuir un Mapa que sefale las lineas aeropostales de las Americas y Espafia; g) De formular el resumen de la estadistica postal am6ricoespafiola, de acuerdo con los datos que le comunique anualmente cada Ad- ministraci6n; h) De publicar un informe rela- tivo a las vias mas rapidas para la transmisi6n de la correspondencia de uno a otro de los paises con- tratantes; i) De formar un cuadro en que figuren detalladamente todos los servicios maritimos dependientes de los paises de la Uni6n Postal de las Americas y Espania, que pue- Central Office which serves as an organ of liaison, information and consultation for countries of the Union. 2. This Office will be charged with: (a) Assembling, co-ordinating, publishing and distributing infor- mation of all kinds which spe- cially concerns the Americo-Span- ish postal service. (b) Giving, at the express re- quest of the parties concerned, its opinion on disputed questions. (c) Giving, on its own initiative or at the request of any of the Administrations of the signatory countries, its opinion on all mat- ters of a postal character which affect or relate to the general interests of the Postal Union of the Americas and Spain. (d) Making known requests for modification of Acts of the Con- gress which are formulated, and giving notice of changes which are adopted. (e) Making known the results obtained from the regulatory pro- visions and measures of impor- tance which the Administrations adopt in their domestic service, which are communicated to it by the same Administrations as in- formation. (f) Distributing postal maps and guides which the respective Administrations send it, as well as collecting the necessary data to prepare and distribute a map indicating the airmail lines of the Americas and Spain. (g) Making a summary of Americo-Spanish postal statistics, on the basis of data which each Administration communicates to it annually. (h) Publishing a report relative to the most rapid routes for trans- mission of correspondence from one of the contracting countries to another. (i) Preparing a table giving in detail all maritime services de- pendent upon countries of the Postal Union of the Americas and Spain which may be utilized 1672