Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 54 Part 2.djvu/259

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54 STAT.] MULTILATERAL-TELECOMMUNICATION-APR . 8 , 1938 ARTICLE 10 Operators' Certificates A. GENERAL PROVISIONS [221] §1. (1) The service of every mobile radiotelegraph or radio- telephone station must be performed by a radiotelegraph operator holding a certificate issued or recognized by the government to which this station is subject. However, in mobile stations equipped with a low-power radio installation [power of the carrier wave in the antenna not exceeding 100 watts, except in the case of regional agreements provided for in §8 (4)1 [No. 269], and when this installation is used for telephony only, the service may be carried on by an operator hold- ing a radiotelephone operator's certificate. [222] (2) In case of absolute unavailability of the operator in the course of a crossing, flight, or voyage, the master or the person responsible for the mobile station may authorize, but only tempo- rarily, an operator holding a certificate issued by another contracting government to carry on the radio service. When it is necessary to employ, as temporary operator, a person not holding a certificate or an operator holding an inadequate certificate, this service must be lim- ited entirely to distress, urgent, and safety signals, messages referring thereto, and urgent messages relating to the course of the ship or the aircraft. In any case, this operator (or this person) must be replaced as soon as possible by an operator holding the certificate provided for in §1 (1) above [No. 221]. The persons employed in these cases shall be held to the same duties in respect of secrecy of correspondence as regular operators, as provided in §2 below [No. 223]. [223] §2. (1) Each administration shall take the necessary meas- ures to place the operators under obligation to observe the secrecy of correspondence and to avoid, to the greatest possible extent, the fraudulent use of certificates. [224] (2) The certificates shall, to this effect, carry distinguish- ing signs by which their authenticity can be recognized, such as the stamp of the administration having issued them, bearer's signature. The administrations may, if they so desire, employ other means of authentication. [225] (3) In order to facilitate verification of certificates issued to operators of the mobile service, there shall be added, when necessary, to the text written in the national language, a translation of this text into a language extensively used in international relations. [226] §3. (1) There shall be two classes of certificates and a special certificate for radiotelegraph operators. In addition, there shall be a limited certificate for the aeronautical services. [227] There shall be two classes of certificates for radiotelephone operators (general and limited). 193470--41 -PT. n-16 1479 General provisions. Post, p. 1487. Temporary opera- tors. Secrecy of corre- spondence. Classes of certifi- cates.