Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 54 Part 2.djvu/267

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54 STAT.] MULTILATERAL-TELECOMMUNICATION-APR . 8 , 1938 cal services and operating in such a manner as not to cause interference with other services; [260] 2. To communicate with the aeronautical stations designated in the above-mentioned regional agreements. [261] (d) The foregoing conditions concerning the use and validity of this certificate, as well as the countries in which it will be valid under the terms of these agreements, shall be mentioned on the certificates issued to the operators. F. RADIOTELEPHONE OPERATOR'S CERTIFICATE 1262] §8. (1) The general radiotelephone operator's certificate shall eraodioerteho ate p be issued to operators who have shown that they possess the profes- sional knowledge and ability described below [see also §3 (4)] [No. 230]: Ant e, p. 1481. [263] (a) Practical knowledge of radiotelephony, especially with a view to avoiding interference. [264] (b) Knowledge of the adjustment and operation of radiotele- phone apparatus. [265] (c) Ability to transmit and receive correctly by telephone. [266] (d) Knowledge of the Regulations applying to the exchange of radiotelephone communications and of that part of the Radio Regulations which relates to safety of human life. [267] (2) For the radiotelephone stations in which the power of the carrier wave in the antenna does not exceed 50 watts, each govern- ment concerned shall be permitted to determine the conditions for obtaining its own radiotelephone operator's certificate (limited radio- telephone operator's certificate). [268] (3) A radiotelephone operator's certificate must show whether it is a general or limited certificate. [269] (4) In order to cover special needs, regional agreements may determine the conditions to be fulfilled in order to obtain a radio- telephone operator's certificate intended for use in radiotelephone stations fulfilling certain technical conditions and certain operating conditions. These conditions and agreements shall be stated in the certificates issued to these operators. Such agreements shall be ac- cepted provided the international services be not interfered with. G. PROFESSIONAL GRADES [270] §9. (1) Before becoming chief operator in a ship station of the Proasiona grdes. first category (article 25, §3) [No. 629] a first-class operator must have PO p 155 had at least 1 year's experience as operator on board a ship or in a coast station. [271] (2) In order to become chief operator in a ship station of the second category (article 25, §3) [Nos. 630, 632, and 633], a first-class operator must have had at least 6 months' experience as operator on board a ship or in a coast station. 1487