Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 60 Part 1.djvu/1259

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Osage Indians, support of Osage Agency Page and pay of tribal officers, appropri- ation for --------------------- 111,360 Ouachita River, Ark., examination and survey authorized ------------ . -- . Overtime Compensation, Government Em- ployees: Claims for, method of payment ------ Appropriation for --- _----------- Appropriations authorized---------- Limitation on aggregate payment ----- Overton-Red River Waterway, designation of improvement as..----.--------- Owyhee Project, Oreg., appropriation for- 652 747 913 747 923 635 111, 365, 366 Oxon Run Parkway, extension---------- 961 P Pacific Halibut Fishery, allocation pro- gram, appropriation for expenses ----- 194 Pacific Salmon Fisheries Commission, International, appropriation for------ 457 Packers and Stockyards Act, appropria- tion to effect provisions of--- ----- 108, 292 Palacios, Tex., channel to Gulf of Mexico, examination and survey authorized-- 640 Palisades Project, Idaho, appropriation for ------------------------------ Pamlico Sound, N. C ., examination and survey of Cross-Rock Channel au- thorized ---------------------- Pan-American Highway, Convention on the, appropriation for fulfilling U. S . obligations --------------------- Pan American Institute of Geography and History, appropriation for contribu- tion -.------------------------- Pan American Sanitary Bureau, appro- priat ion for contribution--------- - Pan American Union, appropriation for contribution; allocation for printing and binding---------------------. 365 639 69 453 453 453 Panama: Citizens of, employment on Canal Zone, restrictions, etc ----------- 166, 496, 563 Government of, appropriation for con- tribution ---------------------- 453 Land, acquisition by Military Estab- lishment, reductions in appropria- tions------------------------- 224 Panama, Republic of Panama, appro- priation for waterworks, sewers, etc-- 166 Panama Canal. See also Canal Zone. Civil government, appropriation for- 114, 165 Construction- Additional facilities, appropriation for-------------------------- 165 Recognition of civilian services, in- clusion of certain naturalized citizens---------------------- 873 Panama Canal-Continued. Construction annuity fund, appropria- Page tion for------------------------ 63 Maintenance, etc.- Appropriation for-------------- 114, 164 Reduction in appropriation----- ____ _ 11 Sanitation, appropriation for---------- 165 Seacoast defenses, reduction in appro- priation--------- -------------- 225 Technical or professional personnel, employment -------------------- 167 Panama Railroad Company: Expenditures, contracts, etc., author- ization; limitation--------------- 588 Vessel employees, compensation ------- 218 Papago Indian Reservation, Ariz.: Irrigation projects, appropriation for - - 357 Transfer of certain buildings from War Relocation Authority to Bureau of Indian Affairs for benefit of Indian veterans---- -------- _-------- - 192 Park Ridge, Borough of, Park Ridge, N. J., claims for road damages ------ 124 Parker Dam Power Project, Ariz.- Calif., appropriation for operation and maintenance ------------------- 111,365 Parks. See National Capital Parks; Na- tional Park Service under Interior, Department of the; National Parks. Pasco, Wash., reimbursement of certain Navy personnel and former personnel for personal property losses at ------- 87 Pass-a -Grille Pass, Pinellas County, Fla., examination and survey authorized__ 640 Passport Agencies, appropriation for-... 113, 447 Patchogue River, examination and survey authorized -----

638 Patent Office. See under Commerce, De- partmlent of. Patents. Sec Patent Office under Com- merce, Department of. Patuxent River, Md., establishment of deepwater port at Benedict: channel to Solomons Island, examination and survey authorized----------------- Pawnee Indians, Okla., appropriation for fulfilling treaties with -------.. .. .. Pay Act of 1946, Federal Employees. See Federal Employees Pay Act of 1946. Pay Costs, Increased, Government Officers and Employees, appropriations for-_ Waiver of certain restrictions on use of funds -------- ____... ....._-- Pay Readjustment Act of 1942: Amendments- Army Mine Planter Service, base pay -- ---............


Chief petty officers, acting, base pay- Commissioned officers, first to sixth periods, base pay -- -.

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