Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 60 Part 2.djvu/736

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INTERNATIONAL AGREEMENTS OTHER THAN TREATIES [60 STAT. Translation MINISTRY OF FOREIGN AFFAIRS AND WORSHIP D.A .E. No. BUENOS AIRES, May 2, 1945. MR. CHARG3I D'AFFAIRES: I have the honor to address Your Excellency with reference to the negotiations carried out with the United States-Brazil Joint Mission, relative to the distribution and supply of rubber to the Republic of Argentina, in order to express the agreement of my Government to the following clauses: [For English version of paragraphs 1-5, see note no. 976 of May 2, AiLe, p. 182. 1945 from the American Charge d'Affaires ad interim to the Argen- tine Acting Minister for Foreign Affairs and Worship.] This note, Your Excellency's reply and that of Brazil's representa- tive, will constitute as from today an Agreement among our respective Governments which will remain in force until such time as the terms of paragraph 5 herein are applied. I convey to Your Excellency the assurances of my highest consider- ation. C. AMEGHINO His Excellency EDWARD JOHN REED Charge d'Affaires of the United States of America, The Federal Capital. The Brazilian Charge d'Affaires to the Argentine Acting Ministerfor ForeignAffairs N o 52/890.(42)(41) BUENOS AIRES, 2 de maio de 1945. SENHOR MINISTRO, Tenho a honra de acusar o recebimento da Nota, de Vossa Ex- celencia, desta mesma data, referente as negociacoes realizadas em 26 de abril iltimo, entre a Comissao Conjunta Brasil-Estados Unidos da America e a Secretaria de Indistria e Comercio da Repiblica Argentina, cor o objetivo de estabelecer a distribuicao e suprimento de artefatos de borracha e assuntos correlates, nas quais foram eonclufdos entendimentos no sentido de integrar a Repiblica Argen- tina no sistema de distribuicao e suprimento de pneumaticos e camaras de ar e de conservagao maxima de borracha, enquanto durar a atual situagao de escassez de borracha natural, sistema esse estabelecido entre o Brasil e os Estados Unidos da America e entre os Estados Unidos da America e vArias outras Repfiblicas americanas. 2. Em resposta, cumpre-me tomar devida nota da conformidade do Governo argentino as clausulas abaixo transcritas e que foram acordadas entre os Senhores C6nsul Geral Mario Moreira da Silva, membro da Comissao de Controle dos Acordos de Washington, representando o Brasil, e Francis Adams Truslow, Presidente da 1826