Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 61 Part 1.djvu/1051

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INDEX Housing-Continued Recovery of possession of accommoda- tions by United States, etc., right of maintenance of action or pro- ceeding; limitation_ . ... __. __. - Rent Control, Office of, appropriation for --.----.. ... .. ... ... .. ... Rents, maximum. See under Housing and Rent Act of 1947, this title. Reorganization plan -- __ __-____. .-- Slum-clearance projects, loans, grants, etc., in certain cases._____.____. Temporary housing, certain- Increase in appropriation authoriza- tion; limitations on availability- _ Appropriation for-------_ _ _ __ - - Removal, date of termination of emer- gency in interpretation of pro- vision of Act of July 7, 1943-- - Temporary shelter in defense areas, transfer of functions to Housing and Home Finance Administrator ---- United States Housing Act of 1937, amendment, loans, capital grants, etc., for low-rent-housing and slum- clearance projects -------- _-____ United States Housing Authority- Administrator, Office of, abolition- _- Consolidation with other agencies in formation of Housing and Home Finance Agency--. __ _ _- _ __ _ - - Transfer of functions to Public Hous- ing Commissioner ---- . - ..-- _. United States Housing Corporation- Consolidation with other agencies in formation of Housing and Home Finance Agency --------- .. ___ Purchase, etc., of certain mortgages by RFC, repeal of provisions - .- - Veterans'- Increase in appropriation authoriza- tion; limitations on availability- Appropriation for... -- -- ... .. ... . Loans, insurance of_______. _. .. Preference regulations ----- ..- - -- . Reduction in appropriation --- __._- Veterans' Emergency Housing Act of 1946- Appropriation for liquidation of func- tions of Office of Housing Expedi- ter under-.._ ____ ____. Repeal of certain provisions ---_ _- War housing- Operation and maintenance, Navy Department, appropriation for; restriction---. Transfer of functions to Housing and Home Finance Administrator___ Howard University. See under Federal Security Agency. Pag 70 611 95' 70' 128 511 453 955 704 956 954 955 954 209 128 515 193 195 21 574 193 388 955 Idaho: Anderson Ranch Dam, appropriation for --------------------------- 473 Boise project, appropriation for_ 116, 473, 474 Farragut, reimbursement of certain Navy and former Navy personnel for losses at----------- _ __ __ __ __ 315 Fort Hall Reservation, museum and shop, construction, appropriation authorized ------------------- _ 120 Irrigation projects, appropriation for 467 Lewiston Orchards project, appropria- tionfor--_______------------ 473 Minidoka project, appropriation for_ 116, 474 Palisades project, appropriation for -. . 473 Pocatello, appropriation for game-man - agement supply depot and labora- tory --------------------------- 487 Idaho Panhandle Power Transmission Fa- cilities, contract authority ....-- - . 620 Illinois: Cairo Bridge Commission, refunding of bonds 311....... bonds--------------------------311 Chicago, erection of Marine Corps memorial in Grant Park, establish- ment of Commission for formu- lating plans--------------- 724 Crab Orchard Creek project, transfer of certain lands to Secretary of Inte- rior, administration, use, etc----_ _ 770 Great Lakes, naval training station, funds for - 67,383 funds for-------------------- 67, 383 Hennepin Canal, appropriation for maintenance .. _______ _ _ ... maintenance--------------------688 Illinois and Michigan Canal, relinquish- ment by United States of right, etc., to certain lands comprising right-of- way; conditions ------- --- 237 Illinois Ordnance Plant, transfer of cer- tain lands to Secretary of Interior, Human Nutrition and Home Economics, Bureau of. See under Agriculture, Department of. Hungary: Aid to. See Relief Assistance to Coun- tries Devastated by War. Nationals of, extension of certain patent rights to .__________---------- Hungry Horse Project, Mont., appropria- tion for construction ----- ______ __- Hyder, Alaska, transportation of supplies and products of Riverside Mine by vessels of foreign registry; time limit--____________________ -- Hydrographic Bureau, International, appropriation for contribution _____ Hydrographic Office. See under Navy Department. U Bratuon, use, etc --------.. 770 LXX Page 794 475 632 283 I