Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 63 Part 1.djvu/1213

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1177 63 STAT.] 81ST CONG., 1ST SESS.-CHS. 563 , 568, 569-SEPT. 7, 1949 certain areas, hereinafter more particularly described, contiguous to the west half of block 7 in Jonesville, an addition to the city of Enid, Oklahoma, which latter property was conveyed by letters patent on March 17, 1947, recorded patent numbered 1121956, by the United States to the trustees of School District Numbered 57, Enid, Oklahoma, and their successors in interest, pursuant to the Act of April 13, 1946, entitled "An Act to quiet title to certain school-district property in Enid, Oklahoma" (60 Stat. 88). Said areas are more particularly described as follows, according to the official plat of survey on file in the Bureau of Land Management for the town site of Jonesville, Okla- homa, dated September 2, 1898, to wit: Seventeen feet abutting said west half of block 7 on the east and being the west seventeen feet of the alley in block 7 (vacated by the city of Enid, Oklahoma) ; fourteen and one-half feet abutting said west half of block 7 on the north and being the south fourteen and one-half feet of L Street between the west half of block 7 and the west half of block 4 (vacated under the name of Walnut Street by the city of Enid, Oklahoma); and twelve and one- half feet abutting said west half of block 7 on the south and being the north twelve and one-half feet of K Street between the west half of block 7 and the west half of block 14 (vacated under the name of Oak Street by the city of Enid, Oklahoma). Approved September 7, 1949. [CHAPTER 568] AN ACT For the relief of Soo Hoo Yet Tuck. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That in the admin- istration of the immigration and naturalization laws the alien Soo Hoo Yet Tuck, the Chinese minor son of Soo Hou You Toy, a citizen of the United States and an honorably discharged veteran of World War II, shall be deemed to be a nonquota immigrant, if otherwise admissible into the United States. Approved September 7, 1949. [CHAPTER 569] AN ACT To authorize the Secretary of the Army to convey by quitclaim deed certain mineral rights in certain lands situated in the State of Oklahoma to Alfred A. Drummond and Addie G. Drummond. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the iUnited States of America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary of the Army is hereby authorized and directed to convey by quitclaim deed to Alfred A. Drummond and Addie G. Drummond, jointly, such title as was acquired by the United States by virtue of a quitclaim deed executed on May 5, 1942, by Alfred A. Drummond and Addie G. Drummond in and to all gas, oil, or other minerals, in, on, or under the following-described lands in the State of Oklahoma: The west half of southwest quarter of northwest quarter and the southeast quarter of southwest quarter of northwest quarter and the northwest quarter of southwest quarter less thirty-two one-hundredths acre for railway right-of-way, section 17, township 6 south, range 7 east, of the Indian meridian, and further identified in the files and records of the Corps of Engineers as tract K-103-7, Denison Dam and Reservoir. Approved September 7, 1949. September 7,1949 [H. R. 1979] [Private Law 266] Soo Hoo Yet Tuck. September7 1949 [H. R. 7021 [Private Law 2671 Alfred A. Drum- mond and Addle 0. Drummnmd.