Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 63 Part 2.djvu/127

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63 STAT.] MULTILATERAL-TELECOMMUNICATIONSOCT. 2 , 1947 1421 Article 8 International Consultative Committees 1. (1) The duties of the International Telegraph Consultative C.C .I .T. Committee (C.C.I .T .) shall be to study technical, operating and tariff Po t ,p. 6 15. questions relating to telegraphy and facsimile and to issue recom- mendations on them. (2) The duties of the International Telephone Consultative O.C.LF. Committee (C.C .I .F.) shall be to study technical, operating and tariff questions relating to telephony and to issue recommendations on them. (3) The duties of the International Radio Consultative Com- C.C.I .R- mittee (C.C.I.R .) shall be to study technical radio questions and Post, p. 191. operating questions the solution of which depends principally on considerations of a technical radio character and to issue recom- mendations on them. 2. The questions studied by each International Consultative Com- mittee, on which it shall issue recommendations, are those submitted to it by the plenipotentiary conference, by an administrative con- ference, by the Administrative Council, by another Consultative Committee or by the International Frequency Registration Board. A Consultative Committee shall likewise issue its recommendations on questions the study of which has been decided upon by its Plenary Assembly or proposed by at least twelve Members or Associate Mem- bers in the interval between meetings of the Plenary Assembly concerned. 3. The International Consultative Committees shall have as Members members: a) administrations of Members and Associate Members of the Union; b) recognized private operating agencies which express a desire to have their experts participate in the work of these Committees. 4. Each Consultative Committee shall work through the medium of: a) the Plenary Assembly, meeting normally every two years, Plenary Assembly. provided that a meeting shall take place about one year previous to the relative administrative conference; each meeting of a Plenary Assembly normally shall be held in a place fixed by the previous meeting of that Assembly; b) study groups, which shall be set up by the Plenary Assembly Study groups. to deal with questions to be studied; c) a Director, who shall be appointed by the Plenary Assembly Diretor. for an indefinite period, but with the reciprocal right of terminating the appointment; the Director of the Radio Consultative Committee shall be assisted by a Vice-Director specializing in broadcasting, appointed under the same conditions;